"The Italian Job"--Fiat CR-32 - Aircraft - IPMS/USA Forums
2019年4月22日 · The unit was led by Lieutenant Colonel Andrea Zotti and based at Puig Moreno, Spain, June-July 1938. The unit formed part of the Italian contingent fighting for the Nationalist cause during the Spanish Civil War. I used the Osprey Fiat CR-32 Aces of the Spanish Civil War (Aircraft of the Aces 94) for inspiration; profile 28.
New Review: Top Drawings #131 Fiat G.55 Centauro
2023年12月3日 · single page drawing for a 1/32 scale aircraft, 3 for 1/72 scale, and 11 for 1/48 scale. There are. two drawings in which 1/48 and 1/24 are combined and one in which 1/72 and 1/48 are. combined as well. The large 1/32 scale drawing is a single sheet added to the book. This. drawing is provided in a two-sided single page.
New Review: Single No. 50 – Caudron-Renault CR. 714 Cyclone
2025年1月19日 · Reviewer’s Comments:The Single Series from Mushroom Model Publications focuses on a specific airframe, sometimes even down to a specific modification or variant of an airframe. This booklet includes line drawings of the Caudron CR.714 in both 1/72 and 1/48 scale and includes some drawings (probab...
Reliant Bond Bug - Cars, Trucks, & Motorcycles - IPMS/USA Forums
2023年12月12日 · I finished up this Airfix 1/32 scale kit of the strange Bond Bug 3 wheeler from the early '70's. I made the side mirrors in tinkercad and 3d printed them.
Mikromir 32004 Yokosuka MXY-7 Ohka, 1/32 - IPMS/USA Forums
2024年3月13日 · New kit released Mikromir 32004 Yokosuka MXY-7 Ohka, 1/32 320041045×800 205 KB 32004-11920×1335 263 KB 32004-21920×1351 238 KB 32004-3 (2)1920×1508 206 KB 32004-41920×1789 445 KB
1/32 Hasegawa P-40E - Builds - IPMS/USA Forums
2023年10月21日 · 1/32 Hasegawa P-40E 1/32 Hasegawa P-40E. By FREDDIEM October 21, 2023 in Builds. Share https://forum ...
My 'Dysfunction Junction' train diorama is now complete!
2024年1月4日 · What you see here is: 21 feet of balsa on the roof structures and 4 feet of various other balsa; 10 feet of 36 gauge aluminum, 6 feet of electrical wire; 32 feet of 1" poplar strip wood *and* 32 feet of basswood balsa strip batten; a little over 13 feet of styrene rod; 1000 bolts of 3 different sizes; 1,146 structure rivets; 56 tubes of ...
Oshkosh A/S-32U Pushback in 1/25 - Armor - IPMS/USA Forums
2024年6月8日 · Originally scratch built before 1998, Still looks the same in these photos from last year. Working from factory drawings and photographs, reworked resin copies of the tires from a Payhauler 350 kit.
Painting scale effect - Tools, Tips & Techniques - IPMS/USA Forums
2011年1月5日 · Another formula for scale effect is to add white by an amount equal to the square root of the scale denominator; i.e., for 1/24, approximately 5%, for 1/32 approximately 6%, for 1/48 approximately 7%, for 1/72 approximately 9%, etc. This gives a more subtle fading of the paint which I find far more realistic.
1/32 Special Hobby F-80C Shooting Star - IPMS/USA Forums
2023年9月24日 · This kit is a rerelease of the Czech Model 1/32 F-80C, which I built a while back, so that gave me a real leg up on knowing where the problems were and all that needed to be done to speed the build along. The plastic and resin parts in each kit are identical. The SH instruction booklet is almost exactly the same, but in a smaller format.