Il Fiat G.57, uno dei tanti progetti bloccati dall ... - Blogger
2022年3月2日 · Il G.57 era una versione riprogettata del G-55/56 che adottava il motore radiale Fiat A.82 R.C.24-52 da 1250 hp; nessun prototipo di questa nuova versione fu provato in volo. Come già evidenziato, avrebbe dovuto essere equipaggiato con un siluro Whitehead da 680 kg (una versione più corta e meno ingombrante di quella standard usata dall ...
Fiat G.55 Centauro - Wikipedia
The Fiat G.55 Centauro (Italian: "Centaur") is a single-engine single-seat monoplane fighter aircraft designed and produced by the Italian aircraft manufacturer Fiat Aviazione. It was operated by both the Regia Aeronautica and the Aeronautica Nazionale Repubblicana during the latter half of the Second World War .
Fiat G-57 - wardrawings.be
The G.57 was a projected version (of the G-55/56) which reverted to a radial engine, the 1250 hp Fiat A.82 R.C.24-52, but no prototype of this version was tested. It was equiped here with a 680 kg whitehead torpedo (a shorter and less cumbersome version of …
Fiat G-57 - wardrawings.be
Version planned with 1250 hp Fiat A.83 R.C.24/52 radial engine. Artist's view!
Fiat G.57 - Just a Fiat G.56 with a radial : r/WeirdWings - Reddit
2019年7月23日 · The G.57 was a projected version (of the G-55/56) which reverted to a radial engine, the 1250 hp Fiat A.82 R.C.24-52, but no prototype of this version was tested. It was equipped here with a 680 kg whitehead torpedo (a shorter and less cumbersome version of the standard version used by the SM.79).
Fiat G57 - Ready for Inspection - Aircraft - Britmodeller.com
2022年9月28日 · First of all this is not a what if.It was projected as Torpedo fighter but never built.This is the Special hobby 1/48 scale Fiat G55 kit converted into the Fiat G57 years ago.The cowling was taken from a Italeri Reggiane Re2002 with the bulges made with Barilla Risoni Pasta.A shortened Torpedo from a Trumpeter Savoia Marchetti SM79 …
Fiat G57. Articoli recenti. La guerra della pastasciutta; 3 Maggio 1939; LA SECONDA GUERRA MONDIALE: UNA CRONOLOGIA GIORNO PER GIORNO DAL 30 AGOSTO 1939 ALLA RESA DEL GIAPPONE; Ricerche a cura di: Michele Giuliani. [email protected]. Disclaimer. Disclaimer e Avviso sul Diritto d’Autore.
菲亚特G.55-“人马座”战斗机 - inSky
2009年12月10日 · 菲亚特 G55 “人马座”是一架单引擎单座的二战时期战斗机,该机于 1943-1945 年在意大利皇家空军及意大利共和国空军服役。 它是由菲亚特在都灵的工厂设计并制造的。 菲亚特 G55 被认为是 5 系列意大利战斗机中最杰出的一个型号。 装备了马力强大的戴姆勒 - 奔驰 DB605 引擎,这种引擎装备了包括可怕的 Re2005, MC205 战斗机。 1943 年 9 月 8 日后,在其为意大利共和国短暂的作战服役期间,其牢固和快速的性能向世人证明它是一架杰出的高空截 …
Fiat G56 & G57 - beyondthesprues.com
2015年4月4日 · I've bought a cheap graphic tablet and played an half hour so, looking the result, I've decided to restart from blank page... beginning with the G.55 profile from some scan of Fiat building drawings I have... He sees things in double... Very beautiful half-bubble part added to the family, congratulations artist!
SimplePlanes | Fiat G.57
This fighter happens to be the design that unfolds before you, the Fiat G.57! This is armed with x4 12.7 Breda SAFAT machine guns. Takeoff speed is 110mph, and try to land at 120 or 110 mph. Make sure to flare alot (not too much), as the aircraft likes bouncing.
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