L6/40 tank - Wikipedia
The L6/40 was the main tank employed by the Italian forces fighting on the Eastern Front. The L6 fought alongside the L6/40-based Semovente 47/32 self-propelled gun. [2] Although a good …
(机翻警告)L6/40轻型坦克 - 哔哩哔哩
菲亚特L6 / 40是1940年至二战期间意大利军队使用的轻型坦克。 它是菲亚特 - 安萨尔多公司出口的产品,当意大利军队了解到该设计并表达了兴趣时,它被采纳。 这是意大利部队在基于L6 / …
东线战场的“跪族”——菲亚特L6/40轻型坦克 - 知乎专栏
菲亚特l6/40轻型坦克是二战期间意大利军队使用的一款轻型坦克,它由安萨尔多公司设计,菲亚特公司制造生产。 这两家公司现在仍是意大利历史最悠久,最重要的工程公司。
Carro Armato Leggero L6/40 - Tank Encyclopedia
2022年6月29日 · The Carro Armato Leggero L6/40 was a light reconnaissance tank used by the Italian Regio Esercito (English: Royal Army) from May 1941 until the Armistice with the Allied …
Fiat L6/40 Light Tank Details and Specifications
2010年3月7日 · The Fiat L6/40 Tank was developed as a replacement to the Carro Veloce CV 33 tankettet. Armament included a Breda Modello 35 20 mm gun and 8 mm Breda 38 MG.
L6/40 - Wikipedia
L' L6/40 fu un carro armato leggero [3] italiano utilizzato durante la seconda guerra mondiale, prevalentemente dal Regio Esercito che lo impiegò in tutti i teatri di guerra.
Tanks of Italy - Wikipedia
The Carro Armato M13/40 was the Italian tank designed to replace the Fiat L3, the Fiat L6/40 and the Fiat M11/39 in the Italian Army at the start of World War II. The M13/40, weighing 13-14 …
二战兵器全集|意大利Fiat L 6/40 轻型坦克 - 新浪看点
2020年3月21日 · 生产型编号为Carro Armato L 6/40,1939年投产,装备Breda Model 35型20毫米炮和一挺Breda Model 38型8毫米共轴机枪。 备弹炮弹296发,机枪子弹1560发。 它与德 …
FIAT-Ansaldo Carro Armato L6/40 - tank-afv.com
The L6/40, first introduced in 1940, was produced from early 1941 to the fall of 1942. It was the latest light tank design in Italy, although seemingly obsolete by 1942 standards. The bolted …
M13/40坦克 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
M13/40並沒有用於 東線,義軍於當地僅裝備了 菲亞特 L6/40 (英语:Fiat L6/40) 和 47/32自走砲。 在1942年初,義軍理解到M13/40系列的火力之不足,於是趕緊在裝甲部隊中發配 75/18式 …
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