Get Fidget Cube Now | The Original Fidget Toy - Antsy Labs
Enjoy hours of fun with Fidget Cube, the original fidget toy! You get six sides to fidget with: Click. Glide. Flip. Breathe. Roll. Spin. Our fidget shop features dozens of cubes to choose from: different colors, metallic, Spider-Man, Batman, Iron Man, and more. Order your Fidget Cube now!
- 评论数: 364
减压帮手 — fidget cube 把玩评测 - 什么值得买
2017年7月26日 · fidget cube,中文名为抗焦虑魔方,顾名思义就是抗焦虑用哒,小白是个深层强迫症患者,在思考的时候喜欢咬直接或者转笔什么的,手上总是停不下来,曾经的数学考试更是在想问题时把手指给咬出了血。
如何评价fidget cube抗焦虑魔方? - 知乎
如何评价fidget cube抗焦虑魔方? 是美国的一个方块玩具 共六个面分别有不同功能 :按钮 开关 旋转 忘忧石 滚轮 旋转拨盘 对焦虑的缓解是否有效 显示全部
Fidget Cube (Custom Series) - Antsy Labs
We've got Fidget Cubes in cool colors! Choose blue figets, green, pink, black, metallic, and more. Our fidget shop has games like Fidget Factory, our own IRLA Pack, plus fidget spinners, too. You get six sides to fidget with: Click. Glide. Flip. Breathe. Roll. …
- 评论数: 63
Fidget Cube - Wikipedia
The Fidget Cube is a fidget toy designed by Matthew and Mark McLachlan, brothers and co-founders of the US design studio Antsy Labs. [1] It has fidget tools on all sides: a toggle switch , gears , a rolling ball (marble), a joystick , a spinning disk, a worry stone , and five buttons .
Get the Original Fidget Cube and Other Great Fidget Toys
We're the inventors of Fidget Cube, the original fidget toy, made for people like us -- fidgeters! Take it to work or school. We've got fidget spinners, too, in different colors, with characters from Marvel and DC, metallic finishes, and more.
PILPOC theFube Infinity Cube Fidget Desk Toy - amazon.com
REDUCE STRESS, ANXIETY, FOR ADHD: PILPOC theFube Infinity Cube Magic Fidget Cube desk toy has been designed to help people relieve stress and anxiety. It helps students focus, it is relaxing for people with ADHD, it helps seniors improve manual dexterity, and it even helps quitting smoking or biting the nails.
Thefube Fidget Cube - 6 Sided Fidget Toys for Adults and Kids - Fid ...
2025年1月15日 · PILPOC’s theFube Fidget Cube. Unlike other fidget cubes, theFube Fidget Cube is the only 6-sided fidget cube with a carry case included. Take it anywhere, no worries!
40 Best 3D Printed Fidget Toys - All3DP
2024年9月30日 · Check out the best 3D printed fidget toys, cubes, and gears you can print at home!
Amazon.in: Fidget Cube
UOOEFUN 12 Side Fidget Cube,Fidget Toy Cube Relief Stress and Anxiety Depression Anti for Kids and Adults with ADD, ADHD, OCD, Autism(Blue & Mix Colors B3)