Fiddlehead saga a culinary mystery - NJPB Forums
May 14, 2003 · First, a little background. Fiddlehead is a generic name for the sprout of just about any fern. The sprouts are so named because they pop up with spiral-like leaf heads that resemble the end of a fiddle. Several fern species grow in the Pinelands. But here the fiddlehead is most likely going to be the sprout of the ubiquitous bracken fern.
Life Begins Anew | NJPB Forums
May 5, 2013 · I was out driving along Calico Rd. yesterday when I came across a scorched patch of ground. I noticed what I thought were orchids popping up in it, but on closer examination it looks like they are baby ferns of some kind: Life Begins Anew by benruset, on Flickr Any idea what they may be?
NJPB Forums
Feb 1, 2025 · The Pine Barrens are host to a large diverse ecosystem. Here you can talk about it.
Thick Hole - NJPB Forums
Mar 16, 2018 · Manumuskin, That is Vanaman's Thick n' Hole tract in Vineland's New Italy. Look at the Hartman maps. It is an eighteenth century livery center for naval store and charcoal production associated with a couple hundred spungs.
Where is this? | NJPB Forums
Mar 1, 2014 · in any event I looked my maps over and I did not photograph that area so I didn't have it anyway. Don ...I should be out there very early tomorrow morning unless something changes.
bad mushrooms | NJPB Forums
Jun 19, 2009 · are their any bad mushrooms in s jersey that might be a controled substains concerned parent/ son found in woods