Changing the field label of a standard data element
In SM30, the label (the colum head) this flag field (with data element ben_deferr) comes up as "QP" --> this "QP" stands for "Qualified Plan" which is nothing but the field labels for this data element. Question: I would like to modify this label "QP" to my own description cuch as "Flag Required Plans" .
HANA - Field Properties - SAP Community
2017年10月20日 · Hi all, Can you explain me what mean 'Infoobject' in Properties Tab on HANA MODELER? Thank you
Landed Cost - Details tab -- the Price list - SAP Community
2009年12月18日 · Hi, Experts, On [Details] tab, the default for "Price List" field is "Last purchase price", and how to chang the default be other price lists?
Reg:Validation on Purchase Request-Draft[ Approved] - SAP …
2014年9月12日 · After get Approved,client wants to put the validation on Remarks[HEADER] field that should not be change after Approved, when end user try to Add the Purchase Request-Draft[Approved] . I try to run the following query, but it is apply both for normal draft document and the draft document which was approved by authorized person.
status of purchase order - SAP Community
2008年9月11日 · how to know the status of purchase order i mean which field and tables? i searched forum but couldn't find exact answer
Javascript functionality in BEx Web Application Designer
2011年7月15日 · The actual requirement is to validate the input field values(in a table) of the web application screen. If the values are '0' then give some warning message and exit from the screen, otherwise execute the sequence of commands.
Dynamic URL in REST LookUp Channel - SAP Community
2019年2月3日 · We are trying to do lookup using REST channel and where we need to pass dynamically Source Field value in target URL in REST look up channel. Could you please which option we need to use in REST channel to get dynamically value in target URL from Source Payload. We are doing look up using UDF In Mapping.
2LIS_03_UM does not allow multiple company codes
2012年10月22日 · I am trying to fill in setup tables for 2LIS_03_UM. I see, company code field is mandatory here and extractor is not allowing me to add multiple company codes in the same run. That field allows only Single entry. We have more than 100 companies. That means we will have to fill setup table 100 times. I don;t want to do that.
adding color to specific rows using OOPS ALV | SAP Community
2018年10月12日 · Hi experts, I am using set_table_for_first_display and I want to add color to only specific rows at the O/P . I know that we can use property EMPHASIZE but using this adds color to all the rows not