Home - Fédération Internationale Féline
FIFe 75 years the Best for Cats ! Latest announcements and news regarding the FIFe, as well as matters of general interest. Congratulations! Mrs. Lucie Pánková (CZ) passed the judges exam in category 1 at the show in Pardubice (CZ) on the 22nd March 2025…
Breeds - Fédération Internationale Féline
On this page we present you the breeds recognised by FIFe: from the breeds the longest recognised (since our foundation year 1949) – Abyssinian, Chartreux, European, Manx, Persian, Russian Blue, Sacred Birman and Siamese – to the recently preliminary recognised breeds Bombay and Lykoi.
FIFe EMS System - Fédération Internationale Féline
The FIFe Easy Mind System (EMS) is a system used to identify cats by codes. The code for a specific colour, pattern or other trait is always the same, no matter the breed. The EMS System, which is not a genetically based system, is intended to be both easy and logical.
Fédération Internationale Féline - Wikipedia
The Fédération Internationale Féline (FIFé) (International Feline Federation) is a federation of cat registries. There are currently forty-two member organizations in forty countries. Membership spans Europe, South America, and Asia. [1] FIFé is one of …
FIFe(国际爱猫联盟)官网,国际爱猫联盟(FIFe)是一个猫咪注册 …
2022年1月28日 · 国际爱猫联盟(法语:Fédération Internationale Féline,简称:FIFe)是一个国家猫咪注册组织,负责猫品种的认证,共有来自欧洲、南美和亚洲41个国家的43个成员,是世界爱猫大会(World Cat Congress)的成员之一。
四大国际纯种猫协会CFA/TICA/FIFE/WCF猫协会介绍及官网网址链 …
2021年4月8日 · CFA协会简介:是一个创立于美国,在猫类繁殖与血统注册方面具有高度权威的协会组织,截至2016年,在全球拥有超过67000繁育人与注册猫舍,超过200万的注册猫只,每年超过400厂比赛和旗下600多家俱乐部。 在中国的比赛比较丰富,因此该协会在我国比较流行,星极女王布偶猫舍也注册于美国CFA协会。 后面会给大家介绍CFA猫舍注册流程。 2、Fédération Internationale Féline 中文名:猫科动物国际联合会或欧洲猫协联盟 (维基百科称法) 英文缩 …
Whinnybank Cat Sanctuary | for rescued cats and kittens in Fife, …
for rescued cats and kittens in Fife, Scotland Home Run by Sue Hancock and other volunteers, Whinnybank Cat Sanctuary has been successfully rescuing and re-homing cats and kittens for over 35 years.
Events from 26. March 2025 - Fédération Internationale Féline
Website by Verkkovaraani | cat images by Tessa, Nynke, Silvia Pratta and Francesco Spadafora
Home | Fife Cat Shelter
Many people ask why there is a need for organisations such as Fife Cat Shelter, and the sad truth is that the need is there because of the horrendous number of abandoned, stray cats. We re-home on average, over 400 cats and kittens a year.
FIFe Breed Standards - Cats in Group IV - My Animals
2020年2月11日 · One can say that the FIFe is the "United Nations" of Cat Federations. Obviously, they dictate cat breed standards. The International Cat Federation is responsible for identifying and grouping felines according to certain characteristics. So, in today’s article, we’ll tell you about the cats that belong to group IV of the FIFe Breed Standards.