Fiio A5 Portable Headphone Amp Review
2016年2月13日 · This is a review and detailed measurements of the Fiio A5 portable headphone amplifier. It is on kind loan from a member. The A5 costs US $130 from Amazon including free shipping. It came out in late 2016 I think but being just a headphone amplifier, it doesn't obsolete like DACs can. Due to inclusion of battery and metal case, the A5 is a ...
FiiO A5 Portable Headphone Amplifier - Reviews - Head-Fi.org
2016年10月19日 · FiiO A5 (USD $130) vs FiiO E17K (USD $100) Both have very good build and are genuinely portable – the E17K being considerably smaller, lighter. Both have a very neutral signature – essentially wire with gain. Using with the X5ii and volume matched – I really wouldn't be able to tell the difference if blind swapping.
The Fiio A5 thread: an upgrade of E12A, MUSES02+LME49600, …
2022年2月3日 · That's why I got this fiio a5, easy to fix, powerful and cheap. If anyone wants to try some seriously good, well made, custom planars There are 2 Ukrainian companies currently making really good headphones, the ones I got are from a company sash but there is also verum.
The Fiio A5 thread: an upgrade of E12A, MUSES02+LME49600, …
2016年9月10日 · Hi there, just bought E12A haning read some very positive reviews and by using the "headphone power calculator" app discovered that although e12a is mainly an IEM amp,can easily drive big cans of higher impedance such as senh HD650 or AKG K612,K702,being on the market right now for open back headphones should i have to bother of finding another more efficient amp for higher impedance cans ...
Fiio A5 Portable Headphone Amp Review
2018年3月26日 · I had a FiiO A5 for a couple of years. Very nice amp but not anywhere as good as a desktop amplifier. The A3 would have probably been a step down from the A5 and even if not I'd still have to deal with inevitable battery deterioration. Every portable amp on the market looks unappealing for one reason or another.
The Fiio A5 thread: an upgrade of E12A, MUSES02+LME49600, …
2016年9月10日 · Fiio NAILED the sound of this amp, that is to say it is quite transparent and really helps the E17K dac shine. In fact I have the A5 rubber banded to my E17K because that is my favourite sounding combo at the moment. I don't think the A5 will be bright like how you are describing it but I dont think you will find it to be dark either.
The Fiio A5 thread: an upgrade of E12A, MUSES02+LME49600, …
2016年9月10日 · You gave me an interesting idea so I just done it. Made a new battery pack for my "Super A5". Took 3 generic cell phone 3.7v 1880mah battery that fit the dimension of stock battery but thicker and stacked it together, stock 11.1v 880mah (3 cells 3.7v) -> modded 11.1v 5640mah (3 cells 1880mah 3.7v).
Fiio a3 or a5? | Headphone Reviews and Discussion - Head-Fi.org
2016年12月10日 · In my experience the A5 has a slightly warmer tone and having low gain mode, it can fit a wide range of headphones and IEMs despite being very powerful. To sum up, both are nice and will drive the M50x with ease. FiiO A3 is cheaper and more compact. FiiO A5 is the top of the line, so it's more powerful, bigger and even better.
Fiio A5, E12 or E12 DIY? | Headphone Reviews and Discussion
2016年11月3日 · A5 seems so much good for me as well. Since my source is a Fiio product (x3ii), synergy feels awesome And yeah, according to my critical listenings, highs are just so good.
Fiio A5 or Cayin C5 paired with iBasso DX150 - Head-Fi.org
2014年8月31日 · Fiio A5 or Cayin C5 paired with iBasso DX150 Hi On paper these two amps are close in power and battery, both have good reviews, just wonder if anyone knows through experience which goes better with the iBasso DX150. I am using LCD2f (I know portable is not ideal) and there seems to be a lack...