FA9 - FiiO
The FA9’s use of electronic crossover technology allows you to tune the sound to exactly the way you want with 3 sound adjustment switches. The impedance, bass, mids and treble adjustment depends on what music you are listening or what your preferences are!
FiiO FA9 - Reviews | Headphone Reviews and Discussion - Head-Fi.org
2020年6月11日 · FiiO FA9 is the first flagship IEM made by FiiO, and they are priced quite aggressively at 500 USD, making them a direct competitor to other flagships, like Meze Rai Penta, Final Audio B1, and Campfire Atlas.
FiiO FA9 Headphone Earphone Wired in-Ear High Resolution 6BA …
【80.6mm ultra-long sound tube】The FA9 earphones employs a specially-designed, ultra-long sound tube 80.6mm in length. The sound tube acts as a low-pass filter that effectively filters out unneeded extra mids and highs from the drivers to ensure a seamless frequency response.
FA9樓氏六單元動鐵MMCX單晶銅鍍銀可換線耳機 - FiiO
fa9純動鐵結構耳機- 旗艦 fa9 採用六個美國樓氏動鐵單元及三導管四音分頻組合,聲音整體流暢銜接,給你震撼的聽覺效果。 動鐵分別為一個複合HODVTEC-31618低頻單元、一個EJ-33877中頻單元
FiiO FA9 Review - Headfonics
2020年7月5日 · Today, Marcus reviews the FiiO FA9, which is the company's latest flagship monitor featuring 6 BA drivers per side and a unique switchable tuning.
FiiO FA9 六單元動鐵耳機開箱評測 - 電腦領域 HKEPC Hardware
2024年12月26日 · 作為目前FiiO FA純動鐵單元耳機系列嘅最頂級產品,FA9繼續係採用Knowles嘅動鐵單元、以DLP 3D打印技術製作嘅德國親膚樹脂外殼,不過使用嘅動鐵單元組合改變咗、加入咗「迷宮導管」設計,仲多咗個自助調音開關。
飞傲FA9——充满 FIIO 特色的动铁塞皇 - 什么值得买
2020年7月30日 · 先说外观,从x5三代开始,飞傲的包装就没有让我失望过,而这次fa9,作为飞傲家第一款卖到4000这个价位的高端6动铁耳塞,fa9的包装让这种辨识度极高的大厂风范更进了一步,表明做过光滑金属反光处理的坚硬黑色纸盒让fa9包装的手感显得十分高档,外层纸盒与 ...
Review: FiiO FA9 - The Canticle of Charisma - Headphonesty
2021年9月3日 · Today we look at the FA9, their new flagship from the FA lineup, featuring 6 Knowles BAs and a 4-way crossover packed in a 3D-printed shell. But like an irritating salesman, that’s not all, folks. Debuting in the FA9 are two new technologies commonly seen in …
FiiO FA9評測Review-普洛影音網 - 普洛影音網|音響論壇 ...
FiiO FA9加上原先機身上的耳塞套,原廠一共提供了各種類型的耳機套15對,讓使用者都能依照自己的聆聽需求與耳道形狀來作更換。 FiiO FA9評測Review FiiO FA9的收納盒為皮質外觀,非常有質感。
Review: FiiO FA9 – The Canticle of Charisma
The FA9 possesses a tuning that is hard to ignore, combining a mesmerizing tone with captivating detail, pulling the listener in for second, third and fourth listens. The icing on the cake is the versatile switch system, making it a multi-genre master.