Aiptasia "Eating..." Filefish - Don't do it! | Reef2Reef
2020年10月26日 · My filefish was awesome at killing aiptasia, problem was he also ate every zoa, favia, acan and maybe chalice. Couldn’t keep any zoas or lps with him. Never harmed other …
Filefish in Aquariums | Reef2Reef
2022年4月9日 · Filefish belong to the family Monacanthidae, in the order Tetraodontiformes (which includes the puffers, triggerfish and boxfish). Most closely related to the triggerfish, …
Tasseled filefish, (Prickly leatherjacket) Chaetodermis penicilligerus This unusual filefish is obviously an active mimic of floating clumps of seaweed. Infrequently collected in the tropical …
Aiptasia eating filefish | Reef2Reef
2020年9月6日 · Filefish handle high flow just fine. The have something like a horn that they raise up to stabilize in the current. I had two tanks with aiptasia. One got Burghia and the other got …
Filefish | Reef2Reef
2020年8月16日 · My filefish often times assumes a position head downward touching the sand in a corner of my tank for long periods of time. Reply Reactions: najer , Pistondog , …
Aptasia eating filefish review - Reef2Reef
2017年3月10日 · I have tried everything to fix my aptasia problem (Copper-banded Butterfly, peppermint shrimp, aptasia-x, and aptasia away). About two weeks ago I finally broke down …
Aiptasia and Filefish | Reef2Reef
2021年11月11日 · That's a good-looking filefish you have there. I added one matted filefish to my 125 a couple of years ago. The peppermint shrimp I had seemed to keep the aptaisia from …
Filefish Aptasia dependence | Reef2Reef
2020年12月26日 · It was not able to withstand the nips and the filefish did enough damage such that there was only a few pieces left receded into the coral skeleton. That is when I returned …
Orange spotted filefish feeding questions | Reef2Reef
2019年5月16日 · The filefish at the store have full bellies and are in a standard small 20-gallon tank without live rock coral. the copepod population in there would easily have been picked …
Filefish in a nano REEF? - Fish Forum - Nano-Reef Community
2009年8月14日 · Blue Zoo Aquatics Filefish Starter Pack This is why we now offer an Orangespotted Filefish Starter Pack, which includes a harlequin filefish and a live, browned …