FilmArray® Panels—Infectious Disease Diagnostics - BioFire
Using the syndromic approach, the FilmArray Panels test for viruses, bacteria, parasites, yeast, & antimicrobial resistance genes in a single, rapid test.
The FILMARRAY is an FDA-cleared multiplex PCR system that integrates sample preparation, amplification, detection and analysis. It requires just a few minutes of hands-on-time and its turnaround time is just about an hour, giving you faster results which may lead to …
BIOFIRE® FILMARRAY® TORCH System - bioMérieux Website
The BIOFIRE ® FILMARRAY ® Pouch is a multiplex PCR assay that stores all the necessary reagents for sample preparation, reverse transcription PCR, PCR, and detection in a freeze-dried format. During a test run, the BIOFIRE System extracts and purifies all nucleic acids from the unprocessed sample.
微流控解密:BioFire公司的FilmArray产品 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
FilmArray的胃肠道感染检测芯片可以对导致胃肠道感染的常见22种病原菌进行同时检测,同样,只需要1小时便能得出检测结果,该检测由仪器自动完成,不需要专业技能人员,也不需要复杂的细菌培养等实验环境。 图1.6:胃肠道感染检测芯片可以检测的病原菌列表. 脑膜炎(meningitis)系指软脑膜的弥漫性炎症性改变。 由细菌、病毒、真菌、螺旋体、原虫、立克次体、肿瘤与白血病等各种生物性致病因子侵犯软脑膜和脊髓膜引起。 细菌性脑膜炎是一种特别严重的疾病需及时 …
BIOFIRE® FILMARRAY® 2.0 System - bioMérieux Website
The BIOFIRE 2.0 System enables simplified test ordering, faster turnaround times, and increased accuracy by minimizing manual data entry. The BIOFIRE 2.0 System offers unmatched ease-of-use with just two minutes of hands-on time and results in about an hour.
全自動遺伝子解析装置・専用試薬 BioFire® FilmArray® | ビオメ …
FilmArray ® Torch システム. マルチプレックスPCR法を採用し、専用の試薬を用いてグラム陽性菌、グラム陰性菌、酵母様真菌、ウイルスや薬剤耐性遺伝子などの核酸同定を同時に行い、結果報告を行う検査システムです。 ※精度管理コントロールは弊社のものではなく、第三者の製品紹介となっております。 ※2 FilmArray® Torchモジュールボックスは、2台ずつの発注を承ります。 ※3 FilmArray ®Torch DUPLEXは、FilmArray® Torchモジュールボックスを4台目以降の …
BioFire® FilmArray® BioSurveillance System and Test Kits - BioFire Defense
The BioFire FilmArray System uses a plastic pouch with automated capabilities, including sample preparation, reverse transcription for RNA viruses, and a two-stage nested multiplex PCR process. The results are a revolutionary detection system in a lightweight, small-footprint format.
FilmArray® 2.0 Training Video - YouTube
This 60-minute course is designed for first-time users of the BioFire® FilmArray® System and will provide an introduction to the BioFire® FilmArray® instrument, assay setup, software result...
FilmArray, an Automated Nested Multiplex PCR System for Multi …
We describe an integrated diagnostic platform, the “FilmArray”, which fully automates the detection and identification of multiple organisms from a single sample in about one hour.
a self-contained, disposable, thin-film plastic pouch. The FilmArray system processes a single sample, from nasopharyngeal aspirate (NPA) to result, in a fully automated fashion. These characteristics make it ideal for multiplex testing of pathogens, including complex influenza diagnostics, using standard sample types and low
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