Apicomplexa - Wikipedia
The Apicomplexa (also called Apicomplexia; single: apicomplexan) are organisms of a large phylum of mainly parasitic alveolates. Most possess a unique form of organelle structure that comprises a type of non-photosynthetic plastid called an …
Phylum Apicomplexa - Definition, Classification and Characteristics
Previously called Protozoa, along with several other groups, the Phylum Apicomplexa is large and is further divided into 300 genera and over 60 families that consist of over 5000 species. The majority of species already identified are obligate intracellular parasites that infect a variety of animals (including human beings) causing a variety of ...
PacBio next-generation sequencing uncovers Apicomplexa
2023年9月12日 · Apicomplexa is a diverse group of parasitic protists that comprises over 6000 known and potentially many more unknown species. As obligate parasites, they rely on host organisms for survival and...
Recent advances in understanding apicomplexan parasites
Intracellular single-celled parasites belonging to the large phylum Apicomplexa are amongst the most prevalent and morbidity-causing pathogens worldwide. In this review, we highlight a few of the many recent advances in the field that helped to clarify some important aspects of their fascinating biology and interaction with their hosts.
Apicomplexa: qué es, características, subgrupos, enfermedades
2022年5月22日 · Los Apicomplexa son un filo de protistas unicelulares que comprende cerca de 5.000 especies, todas parásitas de animales. Muchas de esas especies son de importancia médica y económica. Presentan una estructura denominada complejo apical en uno de sus extremos, a la cual alude el nombre del grupo.
Apicomplexa - SpringerLink
2017年8月1日 · The phylum Apicomplexa is a large group of parasitic protists with more than 6,000 described and possibly thousands of undescribed species. All species are obligatory parasites, and potentially every vertebrate and majority of invertebrates host at least one apicomplexan species.
APICOMPLEXA - Tulane University
2024年3月19日 · The apicomplexa have complex life cycles that are characterized by three distinct processes: sporogony, merogony and gametogony (Figure). Although most apicomplexa exhibit this overall general life cycle the details can vary between species.
The Elusive Mitochondrial Genomes of Apicomplexa: Where Are …
In this review, we present the state of the art on mitochondrial genome structure, composition and organization in the apicomplexan phylum revisiting topological and biochemical information gathered through classical techniques.
Apicomplexa - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
The Apicomplexa is a phylum comprising over 5000 unicellular parasites that are important pathogens affecting humans and livestock [128]. Notable Apicomplexa include Plasmodium , the causative agent of malaria; Toxoplasma , causing toxoplasmosis; Cryptosporidium , a waterborne diarrhoea-causing pathogen; Theileria , causing East Coast fever ...
The Protozoan Phylum Apicomplexa - ResearchGate
2018年1月18日 · The phylum Apicomplexa (Levine, 1988) encompasses at least 5,000 recognized species of obligate intracellular protozoan parasites (Morrison, 2009). Among them, blood parasites belonging to the ...
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