FIME is your one-stop shop for RFID: we provide consulting, outsourced development and comprehensive testing to accelerate your time to market! FIME offers expert assistance either through its engineering services and consultancy or alternatively by testing the solutions in the FIME laboratory.
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5 天之前 · We enable our clients to create and successfully launch secure solutions across payments, smart mobility, and digital identity. With our global perspective, we bring strategic consulting and a wealth of testing expertise. We partner with organizations worldwide to define, design, deliver and test their products and services. Enabled. Tested.
舉凡nfc、rfid、smartcard、FIME等方面,若您有需求或相關問題需要諮詢,FIME絕對是您可以信賴的選擇。 近年來FIME除了在固有專業技能持續成長之外,對於我們的企業文化、流程SOP …
FIME is a global provider of test solutions for the smartcard, RFID and NFC markets. With a total offer covering tests, tools distribution, consulting and outsourced R&D, FIME is a genuine …
获银联认证 FIME为中国收单银行和商户提供终端集成测试和认证 - RFID新闻中心 - RFID …
2016年12月22日 · Savvi测试平台是一套自动化测试和认证管理工具,可以显著缩短完成银联终端集成测试所需时间,从而帮助受理方和商户节省时间和成本。 Savvi测试平台可以根据银联的要求,自动设定测试案例,提供测试程序指导,检索和验证测试结果,并生成和提交测试报告。 系统界面采用中英双语,便于中国用户使用。 FIME亚太区商务总监Alex Chen表示:“随着各类支付品牌以及创新科技的不断涌现,中国支付基础设施市场变得愈发充满活力。 因此,新型解决方案 …
Solution Finder | Fime
Find your solution. Fime provides a wide range of testing products and services. Use the filters below to explore what we offer including tools you can use in your own testing, assistance from Fime's experts to help you debug your product or service and our compliance offer, for when you are ready to certify to a specific international standard.
智能芯片测试厂商FIME近日宣布与国内厂商晶华科技合作,将为国内厂商提供NFC设备的测试和认证服务。 晶华科技从2012年开始从事FIME的自动射频认证工作,本次则增添了额外的手机和NFC咨询服务,并且可以对国内的手机设备、安全芯片、支付终端、SE等进行测试 ...
是德与FIME发表支援EMV L1认证测试工具 - RFID新闻中心 - RFID …
2015年10月29日 · 摘要:是德科技 (Keysight Technologies)和FIME宣布,双方共同开发的测试工具已通过国际晶片卡及支付技术标准组织EMVCo的认证,可用来对支付终端机、金融晶片卡,以及各种行动装置,进行EMV Level 1 认证测试。
FIME与晶华科技合作为国内厂商提供NFC安全测试服务 - RFID,NFC …
智能芯片测试厂商FIME上周宣布与国内厂商晶华科技合作,将为国内厂商提供NFC设备的测试和认证服务。 晶华科技从2012年开始从事 FIME的自动射频认证工作,本次则增添了额外的手机和NFC咨询服务,并且可以对国内的手机设备、安全芯片、支付终端、SE等进行测试 ...
FIME - Mobile Payment Magazine
FIME partners with leading schemes and industry bodies to provide certifications and enhance the secure chip ecosystem: ACT Canada, American Express, ANSSI, Calypso Networks Association, Discover, eftpos, EMVCo, First Data, French National RFID Centre (CNRFID), GIXEL, GlobalPlatform, GSMA, Global Certification Forum, Interac, International ...
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