Do finite verb and 'main verb' refer to the same thing?
2020年10月24日 · Non-finite verbs (infinitives and participles) are not inflected for tense. Main verbs are the last verb in a verb chain, following all modals and auxiliaries for Perfect, Progressive, and Passive.
What is a finite verb? - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2011年4月8日 · Thinking of a finite verb as the opposite of an infinitive isn't a bad way to start, actually. The core definition of a finite verb is one that is inflected for person and tense. Typically only finite verbs can act as the main verb of a sentence. In the following examples, the italicized verbs are finite: I wanted to go to the store. The girls were talking to …
infinitives - Are modal verbs finite or non-finite? - English …
2013年5月16日 · A finite verb is a form of a verb that has a subject (expressed or implied) and can function as the root of an independent clause.... In many languages, finite verbs are the locus of grammatical information of gender, person, number, tense, aspect, mood, and/or voice.
grammar - Why call them infinite/finite verbs? - English Language ...
2011年2月4日 · 1 Latin grammar distinguishes between finite verb forms and infinite verb forms. There are verb forms that can only be used after a subject (noun or personal pronoun). They have personal endings for the first/second/third person, singular and plural).
Why does a sentence make no sense without a finite verb?
2020年10月18日 · I understand that a finite verb serves as a 'direct link' between a subject and a predicate. I also understand the grammatical aspect of why a finite verb makes a sentence complete. For instance, t...
infinitives - How do finite verbs work in questions? - English …
2021年2月28日 · I am doing an exercise Rudolf Flesch's "The Art of Plain Talk." It's point is to change as many nouns, infinitives, gerunds, and participles into "active verbs" or finite verbs. I have spent the past hour trying to rewrite a sentence to use finite verbs, but I cannot figure out if my result is actually using finite verbs or just other infinitives. Here's the problem sentence: The conundrum is ...
What is the merit of calling a verb phrase a clause?
2018年2月27日 · The merit behind this non-finite redefinition is to better acknowledge that verb usage can apply in those situations with context, and those without, of which both work by modern linguistics and must require an adjoining subject target to form a complete conclusion.
Non-finite verb forms function - English Language & Usage Stack …
2020年4月14日 · The clause has a resultative meaning.In 2. "saying" is predicator in the verb phrase/clause "saying he had tested positive", which is a gerund-participial clause modifying "statement". In 3. "displacing" is complement of "was" in a progressive aspect verb phrase heading the clause "was displaying symptons".
Is this a non-finite verb? - English Language & Usage Stack …
2023年4月6日 · Yes: "told" is a non-finite (past participle) verb and told from the perspective of a little girl called Sadie is a past-participial clause modifying the nominal "family-friendly movie".
What is the grammatical nature of the word "been" in perfect ...
2018年5月11日 · The verb be and its inflections can act as main verb in sentences. Non-finite verb forms are gerunds, participles (present/past) and infinitives. In the sentence I've never been to Kenya, been is the past participle form of the verb be meaning visit, and it is a non-finite, but not an auxiliary verb.