YUP | For those who've been told NO we say YUP
From local shops to global destinations, Yup has you covered. Smooth and secure payments at all QRIS-supported merchants. Shop smarter with Yup’s innovative features. Yup credit card. Apply online – quick, easy, and hassle-free. Enjoy dining out, refreshing your wardrobe, and catching the latest films—all while staying within your budget!
Yup merupakan platform yang menghubungkan customer untuk mendapatkan layanan paylater yang disediakan oleh lembaga jasa keuangan berizin OJK. Yup menyediakan akses untuk belanja menggunakan kartu berbasis GPN. Kamu bisa belanja di lebih dari 19 juta offline stores yang sudah mendukung transaksi dengan GPN.
Yup Anywhere, Shop Everywhere - finture.id
Yup is an platform that connects customers to get paylater products provided by licensed financial service institutions under OJK. 0% Interest access* | Up to 6 months installment | Limit up to Rp 100 million
东南亚数字银行科技公司Finture推出YUP卡和YUP Wallet,正在成为年轻人线上购物及线下消费的支付工具。 信用卡,正在成为数字银行的典型产品。 与传统银行相比,数字银行更多关注传统银行无法或很少触及的,或者对数字化和个性化有更高诉求的个人客户。 智能手机的普及,是数字银行崛起的最大推动力,它让数字银行可以不依赖线下网点及柜员,直接触达消费者。...
Anywhere, - yup.finture.id
Yup merupakan platform aggregator yang menghubungkan customer untuk mendapatkan layanan paylater yang disediakan oleh lembaga jasa keuangan berizin OJK. Menyediakan akses 0%* | Cicilan s.d. 12 bulan | Limit hingga Rp 100 juta Akses untuk paylater Yes, we heard you! Yup punya berbagai akses
YUP | For those who've been told NO we say YUP
More than 50 million merchants have joined Yup, forming the largest business partner network in Indonesia. Empower your life with Yup starting now.
36氪出海·关注|数字银行YUP完成超2亿元B轮融资,将继续扩展东 …
36氪出海获悉,东南亚数字银行 YUP 近日宣布完成超2亿元 B 轮融资,本轮融资领投方为香港风险投资机构 MindWorks Capital,参与方包括 XVC、SWC Global、Richen Pioneer 及 Antao Capital 等。 公司表示,本轮资金将用于市场拓展、筹备参与本地银行牌照。 YUP...
YUP | For those who've been told NO we say YUP
Driven by the belief that credit cards / digital credit-backed payment should be available to everyone, Finture proudly embraces its slogan: "For those who've been told no, we say Yup!" The Finture group manages the top-tier payment license (E-money PJP1 license) regulated by the Bank of Indonesia, and the fintech innovation license regulated ...
Yup merupakan platform teknologi finansial yang tercatat di OJK sebagai penyelenggara Inovasi Keuangan Digital (IKD), yang menghubungkan customer untuk mendapatkan layanan paylater yang disediakan oleh lembaga jasa keuangan berizin
Finture旗下信用支付平台YUP获得3000万美元融资 - 动点科技
2024年9月11日 · 动点出海 获悉 ,新加坡数字银行及信用支付服务提供商Finture宣布,已为旗下信用支付平台YUP筹集到了3000万美元规模的B轮融资。 据了解,此轮融资由香港风投机构MindWorks Capital领投,XVC、SWC Global、Richen Pioneer和Antao Capital参投。