abbreviations - When were st, nd, rd, and th, first used - English ...
In English, Wikipedia says these started out as superscripts: 1 st, 2 nd, 3 rd, 4 th, but during the 20 th century they migrated to the baseline: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th. So the practice started during the Roman empire, and probably was continuously used since then in the Romance languages. I don't know when it was adopted in English. Here is a ...
What do we call the “rd” in “3ʳᵈ” and the “th” in “9ᵗʰ”?
2014年8月23日 · However, as in the second and third examples, the rd & st simply come from the right-end of the word for the ordinal number: 3 rd: thi rd. 301 st: (three-hundred-) fir st (shouldn't that be 301 th?, I'm not going there).
"the 1st" or "1st" - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
He was the first person to land on the moon. The green Camaro was the first car over the finish line. With that, they became the third university to have over 1000 students. When the ordinal number is used as an adverb, however, no article is called for: The USA is ranked first in the survey. I finished third. John went fifth.
First floor vs ground floor, usage origin - English Language
2015年4月10日 · Neverless in many hotels, the first floor is often referred to as a lobby. First Floor/ Ground Floor In the US, the first floor of a building is also the ground floor, but in Europe the first floor is the floor above the ground floor, and the second floor is the one above that.
31th or 31st is correct? - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
The numerals with endings are merely abbreviations for the words written out as text. When in doubt, write the word out. Thirty-first becomes 31st, eleventh 11th, forty-second 42nd, fiftieth 50th, and so on.
“20th century” vs. “20ᵗʰ century” - English Language & Usage ...
My first thought was: it's font-dependent. (MS Word automatically superscripts such ordinals, and I usually undo that action, because the result looks ugly! But, as tchrist says, if you can get it to look good, go for it. It's not more "right", but it might be more readable.) –
1st hour, 2nd hour, 3rd hour... But how to say "zero"-th hour?
Consider this century. In English, it is referred to as the twenty-first century, even though it starts with 20. That's because if you count backwards to the start of the Christian time labeling, the first years marking from when Jesus Christ was supposed to be born is called the 'first century' but isn't the years 101-200 but rather 1 through 100.
Does the abbreviation for Saint in a church name require a period?
To expand a little on Ben's answer, the British practice is not to use a full stop where the abbreviation contains the first and last letters of the word abbreviated. So, St (which can also be an abbreviation of street) but etc. That said, British …
Pronunciation of "-st-". When is it "sd" and when "st"?
2014年10月22日 · Where you break the 'st' between syllables depends on a lot of factors, including which syllable is stressed. If the 'st' occurs at the start of a stressed syllable, it won't be aspirated (unless there's a morpheme boundary, as in mistook). I would also suspect that it depends on the speaker in some words (I would guess destiny is one of these).
Style clarification for date superscripts, th, st and nd
2016年4月17日 · I guess you want the reader to infer that the question is irrelevant since “st”, etc. should, according to the CMS, not be written at all. I think this should be explicitly stated for this answer to be considered on-topic. Moreover, for a good answer, the advice of more than a single style guide should be taken into account.