The First Youtube Poop EVER! - Created by SuperYoshi (2004)
The FIRST and Original Youtube Poop. Restored in Hi-quality. Originally created by SuperYoshi.-----"Anyways, this was made on December 22...
YouTube Poop - Wikipedia
A YouTube Poop (YTP) is a type of video mashup or edit created by remixing/editing pre-existing media sources, often carrying subcultural significance into a new video for humorous, vulgar, satirical, obscene, absurd, profane, annoying, confusing, or dramatic purposes.
YouTube Poop / YTP - Know Your Meme
YoutubePoop refers to randomly edited Youtube videos that feature the initialism YTP in the title. These videos are made of various editing techniques, including appropriated footage and collage, to create purposely annoying videos that delight those who …
YouTube Poop - Wikitubia | Fandom
YouTube Poop (commonly abbreviated to YTP) is a style of video that is considered to be a mashup of pre-existing media and editing it for the purpose of entertainment, humor, shock and/or confusion. The first known YouTube Poop video was uploaded by …
Classic YTP's - YouTube
An Archival Collection of YTP's from the past generations of YouTube's first 10+ Years. These Classic YTP's have either been Remastered, Faithfully Recreated...
YTP - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
YTP (全称: YouTube Poop [1];日语: ユーチューブプープ),指的是一种混搭剪辑视频(Video ビデオ Mashup マッシュアップ),与 AMV 和 MAD 既有联系又有区别。 [2] YTP通过对既存的多媒体素材进行混搭,造成幽默、误解或惊悚的效果,这也就是YTP的三个比较主要的流派: Humorousユーモラス 、 Confusingコンフュシング 、 Shockingショッキング。 需要注意的是YTP不一定与 ACG 相关,而且可能包含 R-18 内容。 通常情况下YTP会由投稿者上传到 …
The History of YTP - YouTube
You've probably seen a YTP. They've been a part of internet culture for a decade and a half and have inspired countless other trends. But where did YTPs come...
Happy 20th Anniversary to the first YouTube Poop. | Fandom
2024年10月14日 · It has been 20 years since the first YTP, "I'd Say He's Hot On Our Tail" was made.
YouTube Poop | UnAnything Wiki - Fandom
The first YTP is considered to be I'D SAY HE'S HOT ON OUR TAIL aka The Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3 REMIXED!!!, which was not directly uploaded to YouTube. It was originally created by SuperYoshi and uploaded on SheezyArt in 2004, before YouTube existed.
Sinnedtragedy98 - Chewiki Archive - YouChew
First YTP made: A rather awful YTP of the episode "Bubblestand" off of SpongeBob. 2011 in Synopsis - I made a total of 3 YTPs that year, none of which were any good. I did not devote my channel to YTP until 2012.