GCVC: Graph Convolution Vector Distribution Calibration for Fish Group ...
Therefore, this article proposes a graph convolution vector calibration (GCVC) network for fish group activity recognition through individual action relationship reasoning. By improving reasoning ability of GCN, an activity feature vector calibration module is designed to solve the data adhesion and mismatch between the estimated and true ...
GCVC:鱼群活动识别的图卷积向量分布校准,IEEE Transactions on …
2023年6月19日 · Therefore, this article proposes a graph convolution vector calibration (GCVC) network for fish group activity recognition through individual action relationship reasoning.
GCVC: Graph Convolution Vector Distribution Calibration for Fish Group
GCVC: Graph Convolution Vector Distribution Calibration for Fish Group - crazysboy/GCVC
Recognizing fish behavior in aquaculture with graph …
2022年8月1日 · Fish have society property, wishing to do some social behaviors such as circular swimming activity (Phillips, 1985), avoiding a physical obstacle, and being at a respectful distance (Rubenstein, 2001). This property can be viewed as an invisible link that is a powerful method to understand group interaction.
This work showcases the potential of graph databases in visualizing operations exerted on fish groups. Graph-based frameworks can provide fish farmers insights on how to optimize the various factors that influence the fish production process.
Health of fish stocks by fish group - Our World in Data
Fish stocks are measured by their biomass: the number of individuals multiplied by their mass. Here it's measured as the biomass of a fish stock divided by the biomass at its maximum sustainable yield – the level at which we can catch the maximum amount of fish without a decline in fish populations.
CF1817B Fish Graph - 洛谷
We define a graph to be a Fish Graph if it contains a simple cycle with a special node u belonging to the cycle. Apart from the edges in the cycle, the graph should have exactly 2 extra edges. Both edges should connect to node u , but they should not …
"GCVC: Graph Convolution Vector Distribution Calibration for Fish Group
2024年8月4日 · GCVC: Graph Convolution Vector Distribution Calibration for Fish Group Activity Recognition. IEEE Trans. Multim. 26: 1776-1789 (2024)
fish graph - Desmos
Graph functions, plot points, visualize algebraic equations, add sliders, animate graphs, and more.
Fish and Overfishing - Our World in Data
China is the world’s largest seafood producer. The chart here shows the distribution of wild fish catch by country. This is total seafood production minus aquaculture (fish farming). By clicking on any country, you can see how its production has changed over time.