Recognition and drawing of stick graphs - ScienceDirect
2019年12月3日 · In this paper we study a class of bipartite intersection graphs called Stick graphs. A Stick graph is an intersection graph of axis-aligned segments with the property that the left end-points of horizontal segments and the bottom end-points of vertical segments all lie on a ground line, ℓ, which we take, without loss of generality, to be a ...
fishStats.knit - GitHub Pages
The psdCalc() function is really great for calculating PSD for one species, but we are often interested in comparing PSD of predator and prey simultaneously, and graphically, for gauging things like ‘balance’ in fish communities. So, let’s pretend we have some predator-prey data for which we have already calculated PSD.
On the complexity of recognizing Stick, BipHook and Max
2023年3月31日 · Stick graphs are the grid intersection graphs whose vertical (respectively horizontal) segments have their bottom (respectively left) endpoint, also called the origin of the segment, on the same ground line with slope -1. A hook is a couple made of a vertical segment and a horizontal segment whose bottom and respectively left endpoint coincide.
CF1817B Fish Graph - 洛谷
Determine if the graph contains a subgraph that is a Fish Graph, and if so, find any such subgraph. In this problem, we define a subgraph as a graph obtained by taking any subset of the edges of the original graph.
Recognition and Drawing of Stick Graphs | Graph Drawing and …
A Stick graph is an intersection graph of axis-aligned segments such that the left end-points of the horizontal segments and the bottom end-points of the vertical segments lie on a “ground line”, a line with slope .
A Stick graph is an intersection graph of axis-aligned segments such that the left end-points of the horizontal segments and the bottom end-points of the vertical segments lie on a \ground line," a line with slope 1. It is an open question to decide in polynomial time whether a …
Draw a Stick Plot — plotSticks • oce - GitHub Pages
The arrows are drawn with directions on the graph that match the directions indicated by the u and v components. The arrow size is set relative to the units of the y axis, according to the value of yscale , which has the unit of v divided by the unit of y .
In this paper we study recognition problems concerning so-called stick graphs, the intersection graphs of grounded vertical and horizontal line segments (i.e., grounded grid intersection graphs).
Title: On the complexity of recognizing Stick graphs - arXiv.org
2022年5月18日 · The Stick graph defined by A and B, which is necessarily bipartite, is the intersection graph of the segments in A with the segments in B. We answer an open problem by showing that recognizing Stick graphs is NP-complete.
fish graph - Desmos
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