FISHLORD released music for several years under the moniker Nafets, a project that garnered over 8 million streams on Spotify and sync placements with The CW, Netflix, BET+, Hulu, and more. In late 2023, he changed his name to FISHLORD — a …
FISHLORD is a multi-instrumentalist artist and producer from Fort Washington Maryland, currently residing in Brooklyn New York. Born to Trinidadian parents, his eclectic music reflects his...
FISHLORD, Nafets - SALTWATER SKY [music video] - YouTube
2022年9月9日 · Follow FISHLORD: / fishlorddd Saltwater Sky Lyrics: Woah baby Think the walls are controlling me Counting bodies on the floor come and float with me Somebody keep a pull on me Got these magnets...
FISHLORD (@fishlorddd) • Instagram photos and videos
Dear Friends, TLDR: I am changing my stage name to FISHLORD. Releasing under a new name is something I've been thinking about for a few years now as I've been stepping more towards a sound and a project that feels most like me.
This video is about Fishlord, The NA Challenger Swain Main who plays Swain as an ADC bot lane. Follow his Climb to Challenger with Swain, and learn how to pl...
Stream FISHLORD music | Listen to songs, albums, playlists for …
Play FISHLORD and discover followers on SoundCloud | Stream tracks, albums, playlists on desktop and mobile.
Get fresh music recommendations delivered to your inbox every Friday. BROKEN [feat. Goodie] YOU GOT ME! WHAT'S YOUR NEED? FISHLORD. New York, New York. Allergic to seafood.
Fishman Lord | Blox Fruits Wiki | Fandom
The Fishman Lord is a Lv. 425 boss. The Fishman Lord has two appearances which are: The Fishman Lord wears a blue shirt with white stripes and blue pants with a yellow ribbon. He also has white skin with black hair and wears a green hat.
GitHub上Java捕鱼达人源码分析(fishlord) - CSDN博客
2020年1月6日 · Fishlord:main函数所在类,主要作用就是创建程序窗口,加载Pool控件。 Pool:该类继承自jpanel控件,主要用途有:1)显示背景图片;2)显示网(Net类),网随鼠标移动;3)显示鱼(fish),程序默认初始化9条鱼;4)处理鼠标进入、进出、移动和点击事件;5)在鼠标点击事件中处理捕鱼动作;6)在控件左上角显示积分;7)每80毫秒触发重绘事件。 fish:该类继承自thread类。 程序资源中有多种类型的鱼,但是程序只用了前9种鱼,每种鱼 …
GitHub上Java捕鱼达人源码分析(fishlord)-软件玩家 - 软件改变 …
2023年7月2日 · Fishlord:main函数所在类,主要作用就是创建程序窗口,加载Pool控件。 Pool:该类继承自jpanel控件,主要用途有:1)显示背景图片;2)显示网(Net类),网随鼠标移动;3)显示鱼(fish),程序默认初始化9条鱼;4)处理鼠标进入、进出、移动和点击事件;5)在鼠标点击事件中处理捕鱼动作;6)在控件左上角显示积分;7)每80毫秒触发重绘事件。 fish:该类继承自thread类。 程序资源中有多种类型的鱼,但是程序只用了前9种鱼,每种鱼 …