型式:DBA-GE8|フィット(ホンダ)の総合情報 | 【グーネット】
ホンダの5ドアスモールカー、「フィット(fit)」。搭載されるエンジンは、1.3l(99馬力/100馬力)と1.5l(120馬力)のi-vtec sohcエンジンを設定。
如何评价飞度GE6/GE8? - 知乎
飞度为广汽本田推出的一款两厢轿车,第三代飞度于 2014 年 5 月 29 日上市,定位于“劲酷两厢车”的第三代,针对追求个性的“90 后”新生代群体,内部宽敞。 2016 年 8 月 11 日,2016 款飞度酷玩上市,新增了两个天窗版本。 2018 年 1 月 11 日广汽本田新飞度潮跑系列上市,保持既有的核心产品价值——以“Exciting HDesign”整体设计理念、“地球梦科技”引擎(1.5L 直喷 DOHCi-VTEC 发动机及全新 CVT 无级变速器)、Idle-stop 发… 都说“GE之后再无飞度”,到底是什么样的的魅 …
2nd Gen GE8 Specific Fit Engine Modifications, Motor Swaps, …
2013年8月11日 · 2nd Gen GE8 Specific Fit Engine Modifications, Motor Swaps, ECU Tuning Sub-Forum Threads discussing engine mods/swaps/tuning for the 2nd generation GE8 Honda Fit. Community Links Pictures & Albums
BreakEven’s 2011 Honda Fit GE8! - Build Threads - nwp4life
2020年12月30日 · Trying to fit 205/50or45r16 16x7 +38 wheels but I feel like it’s not going to be flush without any negative camber.
“飞度王” | 关于本田Fit RS - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Fit RS(GE8,4WD车为GE9)基于当时的第二代Fit 1.5L车型打造而成,采用的同样是代号 L15A 的1.5L i-VTEC 发动机,输出120ps,与发动机匹配的是 CVT 以及 5AT (4WD车),但与普通1.5L车不同,这两套变速箱带有换挡拨片(CVT为模拟7速),当然,这些都不重要了,因为本田还提供了一根5速手动棍子。 除了变速箱的差异,Fit RS还拥有专属调校的悬挂,尺寸更大的轮胎(15→16寸,胎面也更宽,手动版本),可选装车身稳定控制系统,外观做了一些细节调 …
Honda Fit GE8 (2009-2014)
Honda Fit GE8 (2009-2014) The second generation Honda Fit in North America was released from 2009 to 2013 in the USA, and from 2009 to 2014 in Canada. It was powered by a 1.5 Litre SOHC VTEC engine and produced 117 HP and 106 lb-ft of torque.
Honda Fit GE8 JDM parts direct from Japan - Nengun Performance
Genuine Honda parts for the Fit GE8 are now available direct from Japan. See our Honda OEM catalogs to request and purchase parts or contact us for details.
Honda FIT DBA-GE8 RS (Released in 2011/11)
Honda FIT DBA-GE8 released in November 2011 comes in RS variant with 1,496 cc engine and CVT transmission. This model comes in Hatch body type equipped with L15A engine model that run on Regular Gasoline .
2nd Generation (GE 08-13) - Unofficial Honda FIT Forums
2009年4月10日 · The Honda Fit and Jazz Forums. General Fit Talk; 1st Generation (GD 01-08) 2nd Generation (GE 08-13) 3rd Generation (2015+) Fit Photos & Videos; Car Shows, Events, and Racing; Other Car Related Discussions; Off Topic Discussion; Buy, Sell, Trade, Product Market Research and Group Buys. For Sale / Want To Buy / Classified Ads for USED Fit Items
Performance GE8 (2009-2014) - Honda Fit Accessories
Take your target horsepower (wheel horsepower) and buy the performance parts that will make it happen. The GE Honda Fit’s 1.5 Litre SOHC VTEC engine produces 117 HP and 106 lb-ft of torque in the years from 2009 to 2014. It’s bumped up about 8 horsepower from the previous generation, with about the same torque.