Fix an installed Android app that isn't working
Try the following steps if an app installed on your phone has any of these problems: Crashing. Won’t open. Won’t respond. Isn’t working properly.
Fix problems downloading apps with basic troubleshooting steps
To get more help with connection problems, go to Fix internet connection problems on Android devices. Check your storage space On your Android phone or tablet, open your Settings app.
Fix an installed Android app that isn't working - Android Help
Try the following steps if an app installed on your phone has any of these problems: Crashing. Won’t open. Won’t respond. Isn’t working properly.
Fix an Android device that's restarting or crashing
One by one, remove recently downloaded apps. Learn how to delete apps. After ea ch removal, restart your phone normally. See whether removing that app solved the problem. After you remove the app that caused the problem, you can add back the other apps that you removed. Learn how to reinstall apps.
Fix problems with the Google Play Store app
Clearing cache from Google Play Store is the most common solution to issues when you download apps from Google Play Store. When you clear the cache and data, it may delete some settings on the Google Play Store app like parental controls and password protection .
Fix problems with apps, extensions, or themes
At the top right, click Settings My Extensions & Apps. Click the app, extension, or theme. In the box that appears, at the top, click Support. Fill out the "Tell the Developer" form, or click the link to go to the developer's website.
Fix problems downloading one app - Google Play Help
Fix problems downloading one app If you have trouble downloading one app, this article contains advanced troubleshooting steps that should help resolve this issue. Before you try these advanced steps, we recommend that you attempt to fix problems downloading apps using basic troubleshooting steps.
Fix apps with bad SoLoader versions - Play Console Help
One or more of your apps contain a defective version of the SoLoader SDK, which causes your app to crash, thus harming its usability. Even if your app doesn’t depend on the SoLoader directly, we suspect that one of the third-party libraries/SDKs in your app’s dependencies may do so.
Reinstall & re-enable apps - Android - Google Play Help
You can use apps that you bought on Google Play on any Android device without the need to pay again. Each device must be signed in to the same Google Account. Learn how to sync apps across devices. If you turn off an app that comes with your device, you can turn it back on. Learn how to manage unused apps on Android.
How to fix apps containing an unsafe implementation of …
One or more of your apps contain an unsafe implementation of the interface X509TrustManager. Specifically, the implementation ignores all SSL certificate validation errors when establishing an HTTPS connection to a remote host, thereby making …