Fizz combos : r/fizzmains - Reddit
2017年6月12日 · Fizz is great at 1v1, but his impact in teamfights is limited to getting in the backlines, killing the adc, and leaving quickly Reply reply Shouvik12
Fizz Combo Guide : r/fizzmains - Reddit
2020年10月31日 · Hello summoners, I created a combo guide for Fizz, I really put much time in creating that. I hope this video helps you to get better with Fizz and I would be thankfull about your feedback!
AP Fizz Combos? : r/fizzmains - Reddit
It may take a game or two of feeding to get used to it, so play normals first, but you will do great if you concentrate on max range ults, and the 2 second W proc. Good luck future Fizz main. Disclaimer, I'm a shitty league of legends player with bad mechanics and bad game knowledge.
what are fizz’s combos? : r/fizzmains - Reddit
2020年3月15日 · Posted by u/atlas1124rose - 3 votes and 4 comments
Fizz Combo Guide : r/summonerschool - Reddit
2020年10月31日 · Fizz Combo Guide Fizz Hello Summoners,Today I have a Fizz Combo Guide for you, combos are very important to improve with a champion!The six combos are seperated in four difficulty classes, I have made a slowmotion, for better understanding!
Fizz Combos : r/fizzmains - Reddit
2018年7月15日 · I think on the new Fizz you would wait until 2/3, depending on summs. If you take ignite, you can go WQ into autos on 2, just pop a corrupting and ignite for the dot kill. If you're on 3 I feel like WQ provides more value, then you keep autoing until E to dodge a skillshot, or just proc electrocute and E out. That's if you take TP.
Just started maining fizz from a few weeks, and i'm wondering
2022年5月8日 · That said being good at fizz is about timing that e right and creating as much chaos as possible. Which means cdr is your friend. You want that e cool down as low as possible to get at least two off in an extended fight, so second item zonyas really helps with this, as does cooldown boots. The best fizz players abuse matchup differences.
damage combos on fizz : r/fizzmains - Reddit
2017年1月10日 · 18K subscribers in the fizzmains community. The Official subreddit for the Tidal Trickster, Fizz. “You people can’t even breathe water.
Challenger Fizz guide : r/fizzmains - Reddit
2023年7月5日 · It makes me think you just sit there and let vlad poke you. It tells me you go for CS and let him poke you before you're ready to start trading. Full HP vlad vs Full HP Fizz at levels 3,4,5,6, Fizz will always win trades and come out on top. …
Can some bloke list ALL the current Fizz combos that come with
2018年10月9日 · I mean, Fizz has "combos" like pressing E and then WQ or WQ and then E... but the order he uses his spells in doesnt really matter a lot. When I hear combo I think of something like double cast with Riven, where you need to E, then wait a bit, and then press 2 spells, or something like that.