FJD Trion S1 3D LiDAR Scanner -FJDynamics
Scan a 100 m²/1,000 sq ft area in just 2 minutes, and achieve 2 cm of relative accuracy with post-processed reconstruction models. Featuring a built-in LiDAR 3D scanning technology, the S1 allows you to capture precise measurements of complex objects and shapes in various dimensions and generate 3D models in one scan.
- 评论数: 89
Trion S1 Handheld LiDAR 3D Scanner, 0.8-2 cm High Accuracy
FJD Trion S1 LiDAR 3D scanner, high portability: handheld, backpack, drone, car, ship. 320,000 scan points per second, quickly catch high-quality scans.
【FJD Trion S1】手持激光雷达扫描准备指南 - 知乎
s1工作时可以不依赖gnss设备,可广泛应用于室内室外以及各种地下场景测量,例如地下车库、隧道等。 设备工作时不需要外部光源,也不会受到外部光源影响,因此在室内和地下空间,例如隧道、矿井巷道中优势明显。
【FJD Trion S1】手持激光雷达扫描准备指南 - 哔哩哔哩
2023年8月17日 · s1工作时可以不依赖gnss设备,可广泛应用于室内室外以及各种地下场景测量,例如地下车库、隧道等。 设备工作时不需要外部光源,也不会受到外部光源影响,因此在室内和地下空间,例如隧道、矿井巷道中优势明显。
FJD Trion S1 3D LiDAR Scanner - RobotShop
Scan a 100 m²/1,000 sq ft area in just 2 minutes, and achieve 2 cm of relative accuracy with post-processed reconstruction models. Featuring a built-in LiDAR 3D scanning technology, the S1 allows you to capture precise measurements of complex objects and shapes in various dimensions and generate 3D models in one scan.
【FJD Trion S1】手持激光雷达软件Trion Scan指南——解锁高效扫 …
打开手机或PC的Wi-Fi连接页面,连接S1设备Wi-Fi。 Wi-Fi名称为设备S/N码(在产品合格证、扫描端标贴、保修卡上都可以找到),Wi-Fi密码为“fjdtrions1”。 3.
FJ Dynamics Trion S1 3D Handheld LiDAR Scanner
Powered by world-leading SLAM algorithms, the Trion S1 can capture, process, and display accurate point clouds in real-time on mobile terminals. Scan a 100 m²/1,000 sq ft area in just 2 minutes, achieving 2 cm relative accuracy with post-processed reconstruction models.
- 评论数: 7
丰疆FJD Trion S1三维激光扫描仪的8大亮点 - 哔哩哔哩
2023年6月28日 · FJD Trion S1 3D激光扫描仪可实现每秒扫描 320000 个点,轻松得到高质量的扫描点云,精度高达0.8-2cm,不仅支持车载、船载、无人机搭载等,还可与移动端控制软件Trion Scan和点云数据处理软件Trion Metahub一起搭配使用,形成从硬件到软件的一体化解决方案。
With 320,000 scan points per second, Trion S1 3D LiDAR scanner can quickly catch high-quality scans. Powered by Leading SLAM algorithm, Trion S1 can also capture, process and display accurate point clouds on the mobile terminal in real-time. Indoor, outdoor, and underground without a GNSS receiver.
FJD Trion S1 Handheld LiDAR Scanner - Geo-matching
Scan a 100 m²/1,000 sq ft area in just 2 minutes with Trion S1 3D LiDAR scanner allows you to capture precise long-range 3D measurements of complex objects and shapes from up to 120 meters. Hot-swappable dual batteries for uninterruptible power supply. Reliable SLAM for scanning across multiple floors. Real-time point cloud visualization software.