Should I do both FL-142 AND FL-160? - Legal Answers - Avvo.com
2017年12月14日 · Hello! My wife filed for divorce in CA. I just sent her FL-140, FL-142 and FL-150. Tomorrow I'll send the court FL-141 and FL-150. My questions: 1) is there an advantage- …
FL-160 vs FL-142 whats the difference - Legal Answers - Avvo.com
2015年9月25日 · The FL-142, Schedule of Assets and Debts, and the FL-160, Property Declaration, are quite similar. The FL-160 can be filed with the court, without attachments of …
Do I file both the FL-142 and the FL-160 in a divorce/family law …
2013年9月9日 · I am filing a preliminary declaration of disclosure. On the instruction sheet of the FL160 it states the FL-160 may be filed in place of the the FL-142. Is the FL-142 used to list …
Do FL-140, FL-142, and FL-150 need to be served upon one …
2016年2月8日 · Do FL-140, FL-142, and FL-150 need to be served upon one another the same time FL-120 is served upon my husband?
Can I amend FL-142 on my dissolution forms? Didn't know spouse …
Yes, you can amend your FL-142. You may want to initiate discovery before amending it to determine if your ex-spouse has any other property or debts that you should be aware of and …
What is the purpose of filling forms FL-150 and FL-142 in my …
I'm getting divorced and I have no kids, just common assets and an apartment. I am currently completing the forms FL-150 and FL-142. I would like to know the purpose of filling these …
What's the point in filing FL-142 instead of FL-160 when FL-165 …
2017年12月5日 · why do some family law attorney advise clients to file FL-142 instead of FL-160, when it is required to show proof that FL-160 was filed if let's say the respondent didn't file a …
What is the purpose of FL-141 and does it have to be included in …
2010年7月21日 · This is a packet of forms consisting of the Declaration of Disclosure Cover sheet, the FL-140, a Schedule of Assets and Debts (or FL-142), and an Income and Expense …
Can i file FL-142 instead of FL-160 in true default divorce? - Legal ...
2018年2月16日 · Already served FL-100, FL-110, FL150, and FL-142 for Declaration of Disclosures. Husband did not file response. Can i use the FL-142 to enter true default instead …
Should I serve the other party with a FL-142 Form or should I just …
2018年9月11日 · Should I serve the other party with a FL-142 Form or should I just use FL-160 and file with the court for trial?