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Property Declaration | California Courts | Self Help Guide
2016年7月1日 · Property Declaration (FL-160) List your property and debts and how you would like to divide them. This can be used as an attachment to Declaration of Disclosure (form FL-140) or you may use Schedule of Assets and Debts (form FL-142) instead.
You must complete the Property Declaration, form FL-160. Keep a copy and have someone, other than yourself, serve a copy of the completed Property Declaration(s) on the other party in your case.
Divorce Forms | California Courts | Self Help Guide
FL-160: You can attach this optional form to your Response if you need more space to list your property and debts. In the form, you list all your property and debts and state whether you think it is community or separate property. Understand Community vs. Separate Property: Proof of Service by Mail or Proof of Personal Service FL-335 or FL-330
Finish your divorce in a default - California Courts
Property Declaration (form FL-160) This tells the court about your community property and how you want it divided. If you filed a Property Declaration with your Petition and don’t have any changes, you don’t have to file it again.
La Declaración de propiedad (formulario FL-160) es un formulario multipropósito que se puede presentar ante la corte como adjunto a una Petición o Respuesta, o se puede entregar legalmente a la otra parte para cumplir con los requisitos de divulgación en lugar de la Lista de bienes y deudas (formulario FL-142).
INFORMATION AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING FORM FL-160 Property Declaration (form FL-160) is a multipurpose form, which may be filed with the court as an attachment to a Petition or Response or served on the other party to comply with disclosure requirements in place of a Schedule of Assets and Debts (form FL-142).
Continuation of Property Declaration (Family Law) (FL-161)
2025年1月1日 · Give more details about your property and debts and attach to Property Declaration (form FL-160)
Form FL-160 is a mandatory form completed and filed by a petitioner to request an order for the entry of a default against the other spouse or domestic partner.
information and instructions for completing form fl-160 Property Declaration (form FL-160) is a multipurpose form, which may be filed with the court as an attachment to a