(form FL-160) to provide a combined list of community and quasi-community property assets and debts. Quasi-community property is property you own outside of California that would be …
Property Declaration | California Courts | Self Help Guide
Jul 1, 2016 · Property Declaration (FL-160) List your property and debts and how you would like to divide them. This can be used as an attachment to Declaration of Disclosure (form FL-140) or …
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fl-160 [rev. january 1, 2007] property declaration page 2 of 2 (family law) $ $$ $ $ 6. life insurance (cash value) 7. equipment, machinery, livestock 8. stocks, bonds, secured notes 9. retirement, …
Finish your divorce in a default - California Courts
Property Declaration (form FL-160) This tells the court about your community property and how you want it divided. If you filed a Property Declaration with your Petition and don’t have any …
Divorce Forms | California Courts | Self Help Guide
FL-160: You can attach this optional form to your Response if you need more space to list your property and debts. In the form, you list all your property and debts and state whether you …
INFORMATION AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING FORM FL-160 Property Declaration (form FL-160) is a multipurpose form, which may be filed with the court as an attachment to a …
FL-160 PROPERTY FORMS. In a divorce proceeding, the court determines how any property you and your spouse own should be divided. California law distinguishes between two types of …
fl-160 [rev. july 1, 2016] property declaration page 2 of 4 (family law) fl-160 abc-de= f date acquired 16. other assets 17. assets from continuation sheet 18. total assets. fl-160 [rev. july …
Completing the California Divorce Form FL-160: A Comprehensive …
Mar 1, 2025 · The FL-160 form is primarily used to declare the properties and debts that are part of the marital estate. This form is particularly relevant in default divorce cases, where one …