3.7 cm Flak 43 - Wikipedia
The 3.7 cm Flak 43 was a light anti-aircraft (AA) gun used by Nazi Germany during World War II. It was derived from the 3.7-centimeter (1.5 in) Flak 18/36/37 series of AA guns. It was provided with single- and twin-gun mounts, the latter being designated as the 3.7 cm Flak 43 Zwilling and was in service from 1944 to 1945.
3.7厘米18/36/37/43年式高射炮 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
德国军人为Flak 43 高射炮添加弹药。 43年式高射炮相对以前版本有极大改进。新式后膛将实战射速提升至每分钟150发 [1] ,而重量则同时战斗时重1,250公斤,运输时重2,000公斤 [1] 。此高射炮有联装型,名为3.7 cm Flakzwilling 43 [1] ,但此版本较为笨重且头重脚轻 [3] 。
Flak系列专栏:37mm Flak18/36/37/43 高射炮 - 哔哩哔哩
43年式高射炮 新式后膛将实战射速提升至每分钟150发,而重量在战斗中全重1,250公斤,运输时重2,000公斤 。 此高射炮有联装型,名为37 mm Flakzwilling 43,但此版本较为笨重且头重脚轻。
3.7 cm Flak 18/36/37/43 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The 3.7 cm Flak 18/36/37/43 was a series of anti-aircraft cannon produced by Nazi Germany that saw widespread service in the Second World War. The cannon was fully automatic and effective against aircraft flying at altitudes up to 4,200 m.[2]
Flakpanzer IV (3.7 cm Flak 43) ‘Ostwind’ - Tank Encyclopedia
2019年10月1日 · Although sharing the same 3.7 cm caliber as the earlier Flak 18, 36 and 37 models, the newer Flak 43 (built by Rheinmetall-Borsig) was a completely different weapon. The primary goal of this design was to be simple to operate and easy to produce.
Flakpanzer IV (3.7 cm Flak 43) ‘Möbelwagen’ (Sd.Kfz.163/3)
2023年5月3日 · The Flak 43 could rotate a full 360°, with a range of gun elevation between –10° to +90°. The maximum rate of fire was 250-300 rounds per minute, but 150-180 was the more practical rpm. With a muzzle velocity of 820 mps, the maximum effective ceiling was 4,800 m.
3.7cmFlak系列高射炮 - 哔哩哔哩
新的Flak43型3.7cm高射炮将射速从原来的120发/分提升到了150发/分,同时战斗重量降至1250千克(2760磅),运输重量降至2000千克(4400磅)。 新的Flak43几乎都被安装在了自行载具上(例如Sd.Kfz.7型半履带车)。 Flak43型直到1944年才开始大规模生产,到战争结束时已经生产了大约7216台。 Flak43型3.7cm高射炮变种: BK37: BK37是基于莱茵金属公司的Flak37型3.7cm高射炮改进而来的3.7cm航空机炮,用于反坦克、拦截轰炸机。 大多被安装在:JU87 G1/G2 …
Germany 3.7 cm/57 (1.5") Flak M43 - NavWeaps
3.7 cm Flak M 43. Sketch from "German Naval Guns: 1939 - 1945" by Miroslaw Skwiot. An automatic AA gun designed for easy production and in service in both the Army and the Navy. This was a modified Rheinmetall 108 MK103 aircraft cannon that was a short recoil, gas operated, air cooled and used an eight-round ammunition strip.
43型37毫米防空炮 - 百度百科
43型37毫米防空炮是由1943年起开始制造的防空炮,以简化制造过程为重点,由于改良了炮身的设计,故射速大幅提升至每分钟一百五十发。 加上37毫米的弹药威力强大,故成为对付中高度空中攻击的利器。 四号防空战车——东风及著名的自走防空炮——“家具搬运车”亦是采用此型防空炮。 由1944年起,厂方开始生产两联装版本,但只生产了少量便 停战 了。 43型37毫米防空炮是由1943年起开始制造的防空炮,以简化制造过程为重点,由于改良了炮身的设计,故射速大幅 …
Flakpanzer IV (3.7 cm Zwillingflak 43) ‘Ostwind II’
2022年2月14日 · The Zwillingflak 43 could rotate a full 360°, with a range of gun elevation between – 10° to + 90°. The maximum rate of fire was 500 rounds per minute, but 360 was a more practical rate. With a muzzle velocity of 820 mps, …