Baldi's Basics - Play Online on Snokido
Even though it's inspired by bad educational software from the 90s, Baldi's Basics is not an educational game but a weird title mixing horror and humor! School is out but your friend has a problem, he forgot 7 notebooks and asked you to collect them.
Baldi | Baldi's Basics Wiki | Fandom
Baldi is the titular main antagonist of the Baldi's Basics series. He is the head teacher of both the Schoolhouse and the Super Schoolhouse, giving the player math problems to solve on the You Can Think Pad or one of his several Math Machines before they can collect notebooks.
Flaky | 欢乐树的朋友们 维基 | Fandom
Flaky其实是剧中最善良的角色之一,就像在Take a Hike中救了一只小鸟。她经常出现在Lumpy、Sniffles和Cuddles周围。此外,当与Cuddles结伴时,Flaky经常被强行拖入导致一场或两场死亡的情况,尽管她警告Cuddles可能发生的危险。
Baldi's Basics - Play Free Online Games
One of your friends asked you to find the 7 notebooks he forgot at school. But you will be constantly watched by Professor Baldi who will not tolerate any error... Explore the school hallways, solve challenges, use items wisely and avoid being caught by Baldi at all costs.
Characters | Baldi's Basics Wiki | Fandom
Characters are the NPCs and the player character in the Baldi's Basics series, which can be either students, school faculty, or other entities in the Schoolhouse or Super Schoolhouse alike.
Flaky(动画《Happy Tree Friends》中的角色)_百度百科
Flaky,动画《Happy Tree Friends》中的角色之一,由Nica Lorber配音。 Flaky是一个全身都是头皮屑的豪猪,她很害羞、胆小,并且对花生过敏。
Flaky - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
Flaky 是 Mondo Media 所制作的动画《Happy Tree Friends》及其衍生作品的登场角色。 作品的主要角色之一,也是游戏《False Alarm》与《Deadeye Derby》的可用角色之一。 红色的 豪猪,长了一身的尖刺,尖刺上有许多白色头皮屑。 性别不明 最初设定为男性,后来因在制作组里起了争议所以其性别设定遭到了各种修正,最后被多数制作组员工和同人作者勉强认为是妹子,但主创Kenn还是更倾向于将它视作一个谜各种意义上来说还是性别不明更有趣。 名字来源于意为“薄 …
Flippy——Flaky关系 | 欢乐树的朋友们 维基 | Fandom
Flippy和Flaky在该系列中被描述为好朋友。 在早期剧集中,Flippy觉醒的个性会杀死Flaky。 虽然到了电视剧中,这种情况已经改变为Flippy一般不注意甚至不关心Flaky,甚至在觉醒的时候也不关心。
黑暗中,两人的喘息一声盖过一声,猎物被撕咬,舔舐着,却不允许发出刺耳的尖叫。 一阵抽搐后,下体溢出许多液体,随后填满体内的东西抽出,腥味中夹杂着些血的味道。 【可以停下吗……】 他亲吻她的眼角,想让它们不再流出眼泪,但越是这样,苦涩的味道就越容易停留在他的味觉上。 【感觉自己已经是一具空壳了……】 他的手与她的手相扣,即使两把明晃晃的军刀已经刺穿了她的掌心,但这似乎并不妨碍他更进一步地控制她。 【此时此刻,我真的想去死,永远不再醒 …
flaky - 搜索 词典 - Bing
必应词典为您提供flaky的释义,美[ˈfleɪki],英['fleɪki],adj. 易碎成小薄片的;易剥落的;行为古怪的;好忘事的; 网络释义: 片状的;酥;成片的;