最近Hiphop中的流行语“Flex”到底是怎么来的? - 搜狐
2019年5月23日 · 韩国的rapper염따 (Yumdda)就把“Flex”当作了自己的营销手段。 他卖自己的专辑周边(T恤、手机壳),光四天就卖出了三十多万的营业额...然后他把所有的收益全部兑换成现金,在instagram以及Youtube上上传自己买各种高价奢侈品的影像。 他本身是一个三十多岁的宅男大叔形象,但是当人们通过他的小视频,看见这样一个人揣着一兜子一兜子的现金在LV店买新款包、去车行买进口凯迪拉克的时候,人们的猎奇心理就会被勾起来。 其实这恰恰和国内“快手”、“ …
What Is Flex Rap? Origin, Traits And Influence - Ourmusicworld
2024年8月28日 · With a focus on lyrical bravado, flex rap has become a powerful force in modern hip-hop. It reflects and shapes cultural attitudes toward success and excess. This article delves into the origins, key elements, and cultural significance of flex rap, exploring its influence on the music industry and society. I. The Origins of Flex Rap.
flex-wrap - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets | MDN - MDN Web Docs
2025年3月10日 · The flex-wrap CSS property sets whether flex items are forced onto one line or can wrap onto multiple lines. If wrapping is allowed, it sets the direction that lines are stacked.
The 8 Most Prominent Flex Rap Artists to Watch
2025年1月3日 · Flex rap is a genre that continues to evolve, with new artists coming up with their own spins on the style. From the boastful anthems of Future and Travis Scott to the introspective flexes of 21 Savage and Offset, flex rap showcases the diversity of voices in modern hip-hop.
What Does Flex Mean In Rap? Origin and Usage! - EngDic
2023年11月14日 · In rap, “flex” refers to the act of showing off one’s wealth, achievements, or status. It’s about displaying one’s success, often through material possessions, lyrical skill, or lifestyle choices, as a sign of dominance or superiority in the rap scene.
Top 6 Flex Rap Hits to Flex Your Style and Confidence
2025年1月3日 · In this article, we will dive into some of the most popular and influential flex rap hits that define the genre. 1. Future: “Mask Off” Future is often considered one of the pioneers of modern flex rap, blending dark, atmospheric beats with his larger-than-life persona.
CSS flex-wrap Property - W3Schools
The flex-wrap property specifies whether the flexible items should wrap or not. Note: If the elements are not flexible items, the flex-wrap property has no effect. Show demo
CSS flex-wrap 属性 - 菜鸟教程
flex-wrap 属性规定flex容器是单行或者多行,同时横轴的方向决定了新行堆叠的方向。 注意: 如果元素不是弹性盒对象的元素,则 flex-wrap 属性不起作用。
FLEX RAP MIX - playlist by dominiktvr - Spotify
FLEX RAP MIX 🔥 · Playlist · 373 songs · 29 likes
Flex – Rap Dictionary
What does Flex mean? To show off or brag. Flex Synonyms: Stunt, Boast, Floss. Example sentence: “ I’m bout to flex so hard when the guala come in.” Flex in songs: “Hop on the ‘ Gram, flex on the bitches that be hatin ’ on you” – Kendrick Lamar, LUST. “ I’m gon ’ make her panties wet when she see the way I flex ” – A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie, Drowning.