Flex-T™ - BioLegend
Flex-T™ is BioLegend's technology to study antigen-specific T cells through their TCRs. It has the unique property of allowing the loading of peptides of interest into the binding site of the MHC groove, by using ultraviolet (UV) light labile, exchangeable peptides.
Flex-T™ HLA-A*02:01 Monomer UVX - BioLegend
Flex-T™ HLA-A*02:01 Monomer UVX offers the flexibility of exchanging the pre-loaded UV-sensitive peptide to other antigenic peptides of interest before assembling tetramers for flow cytometry analysis. This product can also be used for the screening of peptide epitopes that are able to form a stable complex with the HLA-A*02:01 allele.
紫外灯用于Flex-T™单体和紫外线诱导的肽交换 - XEPU
2024年3月17日 · Flex-T™(Flexible-Tetramers)是BioLegend可溶性MHC产品线的品牌名称。 它涵盖单体、紫外线 (UV) 肽交换技术以及所有相关产品和应用。 Flex-T™ MHC单体装载有可通过使用紫外线光源降解的肽。
Flex-T MHC tetramer 四聚體 - exbio.com.tw
2024年2月19日 · Flex-T™ 是我們專為研究特定抗原 T細胞而設計的試劑家族,通過主要組織相容性複合物(MHC)四聚體實現。 我們提供兩種不同的 Flex-T™。 UVX 單體為您提供了將任何感興趣的肽載入複合體結合位點的靈活性,方法是使用對紫外線敏感的肽,通過簡單的 ELISA 分析,可以監測肽交換的效率。 此外,我們也有提供預先載有與疾病相關或模型抗原肽的單體,例如:SARS-CoV-2 MHC 單體,包括核膜 (nuceloplasmid) 或棘突蛋白 (spike protein)。 …
Flexi-T | Flexi-T hormonefree IUD
The Flexi-T is ideal for women who want to opt for long-term, carefree protection from pregnancy without using hormonal birth control. The Flexi-T is also suitable for women who are breastfeeding, for contraception between pregnancies, or as an alternative to sterilisation.
Flex-T™ Biotin H-2 K(b) OVA Monomer (SIINFEKL) - BioLegend
What is Flex-T™? Flex-T™ (Flexible-Tetramers) is BioLegend’s brand name for our Soluble MHC product line. It encompasses monomers, the ultraviolet (UV) peptide exchange technology, and all associated products and applications.
2021年12月12日 · Flex-T™是Biolegend推出的用于研究抗原特异性T细胞的先进工具,该工具是预载了对紫外光敏感的多肽的MHC单体,通过UV紫外光的照射,预载多肽发生降解,此时感兴趣的目的肽段被置换上,通过与链霉亲和素底座的简单孵育,即可完成专属四聚体的制备。
Using UV-induced peptide exchange, MHC/peptide monomers can be generated with conditional Flex-TTM monomers that harbor peptides of interest in their binding grooves. These new MHC monomers are subsequently multimerized using streptavidin-fluorophore conjugates.
Flexi-T IUD | 100% Hormone free Copper IUD
Flexi-T is a small, 100% hormone-free IUD (intrauterine device). It is T-shaped and is inserted during a doctor’s visit. It works with 1 simple active ingredient: copper, instead of hormones. It is more than 99% effective at preventing pregnancy. Flexi-T is small and flexible, made from soft and flexible plastic wrapped with a thin layer of ...
About Flexi-T | Flexi-T
The Flexi-T is a hormone-free IUD that has no effect on the body’s natural hormonal balance. As soon as the Flexi-T is inserted, it offers immediate protection, and the woman is fertile again as soon as the IUD is removed.
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