Home - Flexi-Mesh
Flexi-Mesh is a stainless steel architectural cable mesh used extensively to create lightweight tensile structures such as Zoo Enclosures, balustrades, green walls, fall protection and children's playgrounds.
Mesh Woven - Flexi-Mesh
We are able to offer a complete design solution for your next tensile project. Mesh sizes: Aperture 20mm to 100mm. Wire sizes: 1.0mm hamma® X – 3.0mm hamma® X. Wire Constructions: 1×19, 7×7, & 7×19. Wire Rope Grade: G316 and Duplex 2205. Colour: Flexi-Mesh is made in natural stainless and black oxide only.
Mesh Ferruled - Flexi-Mesh
Flexi–Mesh ferruled architectural stainless steel mesh is manufactured exclusively using hamma® X Strand wire rope and strand from KOS (South Korea). Each panel is designed and manufactured to meet specific project requirements.
技术干货 | Ansys HFSS Mesh Fusion及不同Mesh应用场景介绍
HFSS新推出的Flex meshing技术,可以有效的识别模型的错误,并给出提示信息辅助判断。 并且Flex meshing技术可以针对性的对模型关键区域提供完全保真度的网格而放宽用户定义非关键区域网格的要求,极大的提升网格剖分的成功率,网格剖分效率可提升5-10倍。
深度解读HFSS网格技术 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Flex Meshing,在进行复杂模型的天线布局 (如手机整机+毫米波天线模组) 或 EMC仿真等,对于整体模型,尤其是载体模型部分,网格精细度要求可以适当放松,但需要进行快速剖分。这种场景下,Flex Meshing能够根据模型的电气特征和材料特征,进行快速的网格剖分 ...
HFSS新网格剖分方法:TAU Flex Meshing - 仿真秀
TAU Flex 是一个多域的、高级的网格剖分器,它提供更高效,更可靠的网格剖分。 TAU Flex网格生成,由材料(金属/非金属),边界条件(端口,辐射等),传导路径等求解设置驱动...
HFSS网格剖分提速100倍,了解一下? - 知乎专栏
最新版本HFSS新推出的Flex meshing技术,可以有效的识别模型的错误,并给出提示信息辅助判断;并且Flex meshing技术可以针对性的对模型关键区域提供完全保真度的网格,而放宽用户定义非关键区域网格的要求,极大地提升网格剖分的成功率,网格剖分效率可提升5 ...
HFSS中对于整机仿真在求解过程中网格剖分报错? | Ansys …
2023年9月8日 · 勾选“Use Flex Meshing for TAU Volume Mesh” 主要针对极复杂的和“恶劣的”几何模型,像一些复杂的整机脏模型,旨在确保网格剖分的成功,以及大大减少网格剖分的时间。
iMeshh Asset Manager • iMeshh
2019年6月19日 · Our Asset Manager uses your computer folder structure to organise your assets. This is the most simple and easiest organisation method, especially as Archviz artists because you’ll regularly download assets from multiple online resources. You don’t need to recategorize each product twice like with the Blenders Asset tool.
Fall Protection - Flexi-Mesh
Flexi-Mesh is a trusted product suited for use in both standard and custom fall protection applications. Projects and buildings have unique requirements; Flexi-Mesh offers the adaptability with its inherent geometric capabilities and its lightweight and high strength characteristics.