r - Kable, Flextable, Huxtable to HTML: force the display of cell ...
2022年6月28日 · library(flextable) as.data.frame(matrix(rep("value [value1 - value2]", 20), ncol = 10)) %>% flextable()%>% theme_box() %>% autofit() This will produce a table display in an HTML window, this window has a width that is limited (the size of your window or the max-width of your HTML page).
Is there a way to specify flextable header labels by just listing the ...
2021年12月14日 · I'm using flextable with a dataset that has many columns, and I want to use set_header_labels() to change them all at once, in order, without having to specify which name goes with each specific value.
Formatting Numbers in Flextable for Specific Columns
2019年8月15日 · I'm using R version 3.6.1 in RStudio. I have flextable version 0.5.5 and officer version 0.3.5. I'm having difficulty with formatting my numbers in flextables within RMarkdown. By default, all num...
Conditional formatting of entire table in FlexTable
2018年11月5日 · As of flextable V0.6.5, conditional formatting can be achieved rather easily using color mapping, e.g. scales::col_* functions. Here another possible solution for the previous example:
R: How to fix table's column width using flextable () package?
2023年12月17日 · I have two tables. First columns of both of them should have fixed width, say, 1,5 inches. Below there is a sample script where for the table named df1 I used flextable() function and for the table named df2 I used flextable() and width() function. However, desired columns' width is not getting fixed to the given length, i.e. 1,5 inches.
Is it possible to change flextable default font from arial
2018年3月12日 · I have created custom styles for paragraphs and tables using officer, but now I am using flextable to customise the formatting on individual cells, although they always seem to be in arial font, regardless of the font in the word document (calibri).
Modify the format of a portion of a flextable cell
2017年6月27日 · Here is an update to the answer based on the new functions in flextable (I tried this solution and display() is deprecated). I also used set_table_properties(layout = "autofit") instead of autofit() , as autofit() gave me a table that extended outside the margins in the .docx (SO explanation here ).
How to span header with column in flextable or gtsummary
2023年1月30日 · @Daniel D. Sjoberg. Thank you very much. I tried with gtsummary because I wanted to make statistics showing the p value.
r - conditionally bold values in flextable - Stack Overflow
2021年10月30日 · tbl %>% flextable() %>% flextable::bold(~ tstat > 1.96,2) - that was essential in my case to specify exactly which library it is from as crayon and gt libraries were also active within the same R session and all of then had function bold() –
Applying a Word style (table or paragraph) to flextable object
I'm trying to apply a Word style (table or paragraph) to a flextable object. My motivation is to find a way to stop a flextable from splitting across rows at a page break when outputted to a Word .docx document via knitr. For example, in the following code I've attempted to apply the "Table of Figures" paragraph style to a flextable in R markdown: