FlexRadio Community
The FlexRadio Community is a forum where members can interact with one another and directly with company employees to enhance the operating experience with our products and services.
Manejo de SmartSDR en ESPAÑOL (SmartSDR video in Spanish) — …
2011年1月2日 · Dear colleagues, I have created a video, in Spanish, explaining the basic functionality of SmartSDR. There is a growing community of spanish speaking Flex owners with limited command of the English language.
SmartSDR v3.8.23 is Now Available — FlexRadio Community
2011年1月2日 · FlexRadio highly recommends upgrading to SmartSDR v3.8.23 as soon as possible and strongly recommends not reverting to any previous versions of SmartSDR v3 to ensure the issues fixed in this release do not reoccur. SmartSDR 3.8.23 is a general release that can be downloaded from the FlexRadio website. It contains important software features and ...
Smart Meter from WoodBox — FlexRadio Community
2011年1月2日 · Mike-VA3MW Administrator, FlexRadio Employee, Community Manager, Super Elmer, Moderator admin November 2024 Bill, it might not be the radio causing the dropout, but the network and network switch.
what is the difference between the 6300 and 6400 - FlexRadio …
2011年1月2日 · Tim - W4TME Administrator, FlexRadio Employee admin May 2017 edited May 2017 The ADC (digitizer) takes an analog RF signal and converts it into a binary bit stream (ones and zeros) so it can be processed by digital signal processing software.
FRStack Version Released — FlexRadio Community
2011年1月2日 · FRStack has been updated to work with FlexRadio Systems next generation radios. FRStack will work with your 1.X and 2.X based radios. FRStack Version Download Features:
WSJT-X Operating Tips - FlexRadio Community
2011年1月2日 · Hi All, New FlexRadio user here, a brand new 6400M. Great radio. I have the radio operating in the FT8 mode. I am now experimenting with the AGC and AGC-T settings and I am wondering about what the experts here may recommend as far as using AGC for digital modes in general and for FT8 in particular and also where I should have the AGC threshold for …
WinLink /VARA Modem setup problems with Flex 6400 - FlexRadio …
2011年1月2日 · I am having a similar problem. Occasionally I do connect with VARA, but most of the time when I try to connect with VARA I see an exchange several times - I RX - the RMS station responds - back and forth several times - then I send a CW ID and I get the message "Failure connecting to .....
Recommended SmartSDR settings for AM mode operation
2011年1月2日 · As an avid fan of the FlexRadio 6000 series transceivers, I want to thank the FlexRadio for developing superb AM transmission capabilities into their radios. FlexRadios have excellent performance on AM with a few proper adjustments and stand head and shoulders above many other the other well known manufacturers of amateur radio gear when it ...
MARS/CAP - FlexRadio Community
2011年1月2日 · I believe this question needs more than a single word answer ;-) If you have a FLEX-6700 or FLEX-6500, the only thing that is needed is a TURF file which you can get from opening a HelPDesk ticket and providing a copy of a valid MARS license and the …