Cell:光遗传学之父最新成果,开发出能观察和控制大脑神经活性 …
这种名为 “flicker” (Fast Light and Calcium-Regulated Expression<快速光和钙调节表达技术>或FLiCRE)的工具或能用于在任何细胞内执行各种研究任务,包括标记、记录和控制细胞功能等。
A Molecular Calcium Integrator Reveals a Striatal Cell Type Driving ...
2020年12月23日 · Here, we report a molecular technology for stable genetic tagging of cells that exhibit activity-related increases in intracellular calcium concentration (FLiCRE). We used FLiCRE to transcriptionally label activated neural ensembles in the nucleus accumbens of the mouse brain during brief stimulation of aversive inputs.
2020年12月21日 · 在一系列的实验中,研究人员将FLiCRE注射到小鼠伏隔核的细胞中,并利用opsin蛋白来激活与小鼠回避行为相关的神经回路;一旦含有FLiCRE的细胞中的 ...
A Molecular Calcium Integrator Reveals a Striatal Cell Type Driving ...
2020年12月23日 · Here, we report a molecular technology for stable genetic tagging of cells that exhibit activity-related increases in intracellular calcium concentration (FLiCRE). We used FLiCRE to transcriptionally label activated neural ensembles in the nucleus accumbens of the mouse brain during brief stimulation of aversive inputs.
Cell 新工具| 新型钙整合器揭示驱动行为厌恶的大脑细胞类型|亚群
2021年1月8日 · 近日,来自美国斯坦福大学的 Alice Ting 团队联合 Karl Deisseroth 团队的研究人员在 Cell 杂志在线发表了题为 A Molecular Calcium Integrator Reveals a Striatal Cell Type Driving Aversion 的研究论文, 开发了一种名为FLiCRE的新型工具以用于检测细胞类型特异性的神经活动 …
Stanford researchers develop new tool for watching and …
2020年12月11日 · Stanford researchers have developed and tested a new molecular probe, called Fast Light and Calcium-Regulated Expression or FLiCRE (pronounced “flicker”), which could help scientists map and control neural activity.
Researchers develop new tool for watching and ... - Welcome to Bio-X
FLiCRE is made up of two chains of molecular components that respond to the presence of blue light and calcium. This light sensitivity allows the researchers to precisely control the timing of their experiments, and calcium is an almost-universal indicator of cell activity.
New tool for watching and controlling neural activity
2020年12月11日 · This tool, called Fast Light and Calcium-Regulated Expression or FLiCRE (pronounced "flicker"), can be sent inside any cell to perform a variety of research tasks, including tagging, recording...
A Molecular Calcium Integrator Reveals a Striatal Cell Type Driving ...
2020年12月23日 · Here, we report a molecular technology for stable genetic tagging of cells that exhibit activity-related increases in intracellular calcium concentration (FLiCRE). We used FLiCRE to transcriptionally label activated neural ensembles in the nucleus accumbens of the mouse brain during brief stimulation of aversive inputs.
Tagging, recording and replaying neural activity | Stanford Report
Stanford researchers have developed and tested a new molecular probe, called Fast Light and Calcium-Regulated Expression or FLiCRE (pronounced “flicker”), which could help scientists map and control neural activity. (Image credit: Getty Images)