When did the term "flip flop" displace the term "thong" in North ...
To most English-speaking people in the 21st century it seems "flip flop" (or "flip-flop") is the term for the sandal-like footwear. But several times I've come across suggestions that "thong" used to be used for this kind of sandal in North America. I'm pretty sure I came across it in the novel A Confederacy of Dunces, written in 1960s New ...
meaning in context - What does the phrase “flip flop” bring to …
Whereas for flip-flop: flip-flop noun 1 a light sandal, typically of plastic or rubber, with a thong between the big and 2nd toe. 2 a backward somersault or handspring. 3 informal an abrupt reversal of policy : his flip-flop on taxes.
expressions - Meaning of "catch you on the flip side" - English ...
2011年8月8日 · Oh my, I'm gonna jump out of a plane now… Catch you on the flip side. Another instance where it could be used is obviously just "see you tomorrow". I once heard a theory that the flip side meant something or other about the Earth rotating through its 24 hour cycle, hence making the the flip side the following day.
etymology - The origins and usages of "waffle" - English Language ...
2014年10月29日 · And I think we have a 1955 Canadian attestation in the House of Commons Debates, Official Report (Volume 5) where the "slang expression" waffling is explained as follows: There has been a great deal of "waffling", to use a slang expression. There has been a great deal of indecision and a great deal of uncertainty. No one knows just where he stands.
american english - what does the Flip Or Flop mean? - English …
2015年3月8日 · "Flop" means failure (in this context). So, the title means: Will the objective of "flipping" the property be successful, or not? "Flip-flop" is an expression meaning: to change one's point of view on an issue. It is also the name of a certain gymnastic trick. The name of the program is playing with this expression.
meaning - Does "the flip side" refer only to the negative aspects of ...
2016年5月26日 · The flip side means — TFD (Music, other) another term for B-side. Now B-side means — TFD. n (Music, other) the less important side of a gramophone record. Also called: flip side. It is the less important side because it has the relatively bad songs. That's the main idea. However, "the flip side" can also simply mean "on the other hand".
Meaning of “flip the script” [closed] - English Language & Usage ...
2015年10月1日 · Flipping the Script, urban slang: fabricating an elaborate offensive deceitful defence of lies to throw attention off of them, turning the truth into a complete falsehood and using it against you... that's flipping the script on you.
slang - What is the etymology of "dope" meaning excellent, great ...
2016年1月5日 · A stupid person, a simpleton, a fool. Also (U.S. slang), a person under the influence of, or addicted to, some drug. From 1886: Opium, especially the thick treacle-like preparation used in opium-smoking’ (Cent. Dict. Suppl. 1909); hence applied to stupefying drugs and narcotics in general, or to alcoholic drink. slang (orig. U.S.).
meaning - What's the origin of "flipping the bird"? - English …
2012年4月19日 · The earliest use in print I found of the exact phrase "flip the bird" or "flipped the bird" or "flipping the bird" is from a 1967 Broadside (Volume 6, Issues 17-26). (The Grateful Dead flipped "the bird" to the audience, tuned their instruments, blew up amps — for what seemed like FOREVER —then disappeared, leaving people disappointed and ...
meaning - What was Alexander Selkirk's "flip-can"? - English …
2024年2月3日 · A 'flip-can' is a sort of jug that's meant to hold flip. Flip was once a slang term for "a mixture of beer and spirit sweetened with sugar and heated with a hot iron" (Green's Dictionary of Slang). This sense of the word goes back to the 17th-century, which fits with the time of Selkirk's life. This is very likely the intended use in your context.