A guide to FLNG (floating liquefied natural gas) - Oil & Gas IQ
2018年8月24日 · Floating liquefied natural gas (FLNG) is not just a term that rolls elegantly off the tongue but one also used to describe an offshore facility floating above a natural gas field. …
【FLNG专题】详解FLNG技术 - 搜狐
2018年7月24日 · LNG—FPSO(LNG Floating Production Storage and of Floating Unit,又称FLNG)是集海上液化天然气的生产、储存、装卸和外运为一体的新型浮式生产储卸装置,应 …
Floating LNG Plant Technology|CHIYODA CORPORATION
A floating LNG (FLNG) is an LNG plant constructed on a ship or a barge which has LNG storage and offloading facilities. The FLNG accomplishes the gas treatment and liquefaction …
浮式液化天然气生产储卸装置 - 百度百科
浮式液化天然气生产储卸装置(floating liquefied natural gas system,FLNG)是一种浮式液化天然气处理平台,使用,通常设计为船型结构,配有天然气液化装置及液化天然气储罐等装备。
Floating Liquefied Natural Gas - an overview - ScienceDirect
2011年7月15日 · Floating liquefied natural gas (FLNG) facilities are novel offshore superstructures which have been developed to unlock previously stranded gas reserves. Early …
Floating liquefied natural gas (FLNG) is not just a term that rolls elegantly off the tongue but one also used to describe an offshore facility floating above a natural gas field. FLNGs produce, …
A complete guide to floating liquefied natural gas (FLNG)
What is floating liquefied natural gas (FLNG)? Companies can now access underwater gas fields previously deemed economically or geographically challenging to reach, thanks to the …
Floating LNG (FLNG) consists of taking gas from of shore at the fi eld itself via turret and riser system followed by series of treatment units to remove impurities. The natural gas is then …
Floating LNG Plant Processes and Equipment - Air Products
Honeywell LNG cryogenic equipment and natural gas liquefaction processes have become the standard for baseload LNG, both onshore and offshore. Our liquefaction systems are widely …
FLNG Solutions | Exmar
Our Floating Liquefaction Units (FLNG) are designed to bring LNG to market in a fast-track, cost-effective, flexible, and reliable manner. EXMAR’s FLNG systems significantly reduce time-to …