Flo Wheels - Triathlon Forum - Slowtwitch Forum
2012年11月16日 · I am very interested in getting a pair of wheels from Flo. I have spoken to them and they have been very helpful and customer service seems great. Now that the product has been out awhile and I am assuming a handful of people here have them, wondering how they hold up? Are you happy with the product? The appeal is the cost compared to other sets of wheels. Its taken me a year to save up, so I ...
HED vs Flo Wheels - Numbers Comparison - Triathlon Forum
2014年2月19日 · Last night I was incredibly bored and couldn’t sleep so I did a numbers comparison between HED and Flo to see the value difference. It got me wondering, what does HED offer that makes them better than Flo? I know Flo is value based and HED is seen as a direct competitor to Zipp but looking at the numbers makes me wonder if it’s really worth it. Aero Wheels Comparison HED Jet 9: Front: 895 ...
Flo 77 AS vs Lun HYPER D67 - Triathlon Forum - Slowtwitch Forum
2024年1月6日 · WRT reserve wheels, not sure what they do. As far as I know the only N/A companies that still build/design wheels in house are ENVE and We Are One composites. This was about Flo vs Winspace, and again not even touching the issues of “aero testing”, butterfly cosmetic lay up vs “winding”, resin burning, rim failures mounting the tires etc.
Flo or Zipp Wheels - Triathlon Forum - Slowtwitch Forum
2013年7月17日 · I am in the market for a set of wheels that will be used for both training and racing. I am leaning towards the Zipp wheels, but it is hard to justify the extra money. The wheels will be used on both hills and flats so I would like a wheel that can climb decent. There is a 338 gram difference between the sets… I am not going to be winning too many races, but I like going as fast as possible ...
Problem with Cervelo P3 + Flo Wheels + Conti TT 25mm Tires
2018年5月25日 · Over the winter I upgraded my Cervelo P3 to new Flo Wheels (90mm Front and Disc Back) and installed them on Continental TT 25mm Tires. Everything was good until yesterday, when I started getting tire hub in the front and in the Back :frowning: I assume that now that is warmer and the tire has been raced a couple of times, it has stretched and ...
HED Jet RV vs Flo Disc disc brake - Triathlon Forum - Slowtwitch …
2024年3月23日 · FLO doesn’t see the wheels until they hit the states and then they hopefully do 100% final QC on each wheel? Idk. When I’m hitting downhills doin 40pmh and occasionally north of 50 MPH I’d rather be on a wheel made and QC inspected in the USA since the 1980’s versus the 2 guys at FLO who buy thrid-party manufacturer in ASIA.
Where does flo wheels rank - Triathlon Forum - Slowtwitch Forum
2021年3月26日 · If a choice between Flo Aluminum Carbon or Hed Jet, Are flo wheels any slower? (despite Hambinis claims) Flo aluminum/carbon is a pretty old wheel. For that generation of wheels, the Jets would be my pick. I have had both the aluminum wheels and the durability of the HEDs has been much better. Really the HED Jets are still a great design.
Reynolds Strike/Assault vs Flo Wheels feedback
2016年6月19日 · Good morning ST er.s I ve recently sold my Flo 60/90 wheels in preparation for the July upcoming purchase order. My Flo’s were bomb proof and I was extremely happy with them. I really like small start up company feel and their approach to the informed consumer. He lies my dilemma, I’ve also missed out on a set of wheels because of mass sale off process. With that in mind I’ve been ...
Old Flo wheels versus new Flo wheels - Triathlon Forum
2016年8月17日 · New Flo 60 reduced drag by 20g, Flo 90s by 10g. Or savings of 2W and 1W roughly. A two minute difference over 40 Km is the difference between alloy wheel and carbon wheel! With the switch you are talking about you’d get 6-12 second savings over 40 Km. New flo wheels are substantially lighter but that doesn’t matter much in triathlon. You ...
FLO Wheels - lousy stock levels - Triathlon Forum - Slowtwitch …
2014年3月20日 · Hi everyone, So like many, I thought i’d give FLO wheels the benefit of the doubt and give them a whirl. 600 wheels available (not sure how many discs), logged in on the dot, addresses pre entered and disc wheel put in the basket within 30 seconds of order 11 opening. By the time the credit card details were in, gone. (as long as it takes to type 16 digits!) My advice, don’t bother. 5 of ...