Flip-flops, latches & registers | TI.com - Texas Instruments
Meet all your logic needs with our broad portfolio of 900+ counters, flip-flops, latches, and registers. Enabling today’s cutting edge microprocessor technology. Testing and …
D 型触发器 | TI.com.cn - 德州仪器 TI.com.cn
使用我们包含 300 多款 D 类触发器的产品系列解决常见的同步逻辑和存储器问题,例如同步数字信号、将瞬时开关转换为拨动开关或在复位期间保持信号。 我们的产品系列包括采用 1 至 22 …
触发器、锁存器和寄存器 | TI.com.cn - 德州仪器 TI.com.cn
在我们包含 900 多款计数器、触发器、锁存器和寄存器逻辑功能的产品系列中搜索同步和异步布尔存储器存储选项。 这些器件提供各种输入/输出配置和多种封装选项,可满足各种设计要求。
JK flip-flops product selection | TI.com - Texas Instruments
Select from TI's JK flip-flops family of devices. JK flip-flops parameters, data sheets, and design resources.
计数器 | TI.com.cn
了解我们包含 200 多款计数器的产品系列,包括同步和异步、集成式加和/或减计数器、比率乘法器和分频器。
Getting familiar with the TI-99/4A and Floppy Drives
2018年12月2日 · The TI and the original TI Floppy Disk Controller (TI-FDC) are ONLY capable of SSSD and DSSD modes. That means that you can only utilize 90k (SS) and 180k (DS) drive …
ti994a-rom-grom-ram-and-floppy-emulator - GitHub
ROM, GROM, 32K RAM expansion and FDC controller emulator for the TI99/4A computer using a stm32f407 board. Also can emulate the p-card. More info at …
FLOPP and FLOPP-e FTIR Library - Plastiverse
Reference library for FTIR spectra of pure and environmentally weathered polymers.
838-FDC - TI-99/4A Development - AtariAge Forums
2024年12月20日 · The new floppy disk controller will incorporate existing modes for: AMA/AMB/AMC/AMD/AME decoding - This will allow for complete compatibility with TI-99/4A, …
Introducing APEDSK99: 3x DS/SD, 32K, FTP, NTP - TI-99/4A …
2022年6月24日 · APEDSK99 is an Arduino shield that emulates 3 DS/SD floppy drives for the TI99/4 (a). Combined with a Ethernet / SD shield it allows you to load and save Disk-On-A …