FLSun QQ Bowden Extruder Push by stefannilsson - Thingiverse
The part pushing the filament to the gear broke and I had to print a replacement part for it.FLSun QQ (Delta)
Finally got the settings dialed in - no more stringing
All my prints for the past months suffered from stringing. I finally got some time (winter) to play with the printer settings and found out the right balance. Shortcut: 7mm retraction, 90mm/s retraction speed, 60mm/s prime. I've got coasting active (Cura beta feature), Z-hop is off (it doesn't improve anything), travel speed 200m/s, printing speed 60mm/s. I've used the same settings with PLA ...
FLSun QQ-S Pro Flying Extruder by armin22 - Thingiverse
A remix of the great flying extruder mod for the FLSun QQ-S Pro.Having only used this for 8 continuous hours of printing, my experience is limited however there are some instant observations I can provide:GOOD:Much quieter retractions. Such an annoying sound, gone. Only have to set retractions to 2mm for good results with PETG at 235c.Better extrusion consistency.Flexible filament capability ...
BED LEVELING ISSUE:43597 - General - FLSUN-QQ 3D Printer
2020年4月1日 · I have an FLSUN QQ-S that i can't get the bed leveling to work correctly. I don't have a bed leveling sensor, so i am leveling it manually. I go through the bed leveling process ,and after finishing and printing the head will be touching on the back side of the bed, but will be high on the front side.Manually moving the head from front to back with the move button the head will rise from back ...
What Specific Apps can I Use to Control My FLSun QQ?
I have a FLSun QQ and I want to know what apps are available to control the printer through WiFi? I need an app in English.
FLsun QQ Enclosure by ctheroux - Thingiverse
The way the FLsun QQ is designed makes it easy to enclose it. Printing ABS ispossible with this enclosure.The printer sides are covered with a five mm tick board, 31.4 x 66.6 cm. Thecorners of the panels have notches cut into it. The notches are 8 x 13 mm. Ahelpful template tool to cut them is included. You need to print three sets ofthese files except for the tool.The panel I …
2018年10月2日 · Hello. I have 2 FLSUN QQ Printers, and yesterday i have problems with one. I have from 2,5 months ago and works normally and not every day, maybe 2-3 times a week. - Yesterday I was printing a piece for a few hours. At night I went to dinner and then to the cinema and I left the printer printing as I usually do when they are pieces that last several hours. On the way back, it turns out that ...
Bed leveling flower for FLsun QQ-s Pro by Webzone
Two leveling flower for FLsun QQ-s Pro and QQ-s 25 cm in diameter. A single line version only using approximately 42 cm of filament.and take only 3-4 minutes to accomplishand aA double line version only using approximately 82 cm of filament.and take only 6-7 minutes to accomplishI hope you enjoy my work. and if you have some spare, feel free to donate to support my work :)
FLSUN QQ-S - Enclosure by mcae1 - Thingiverse
Enclose for the QQ-S/QQ- ProYou will need:Acetate 50x70cm 0.7mm thick - 3 sheetsExact sizes of the sheets:Large sides (x2): 677mm x 264mmDoor top: 337 x 264mmDoor bottom: 332 x 264mmPrinted parts:4x door side - hinge side (I joined all 4 together in a print with small linkages for stability)4x door side - non-hinge side (I joined all 4 together in a …
Auto level stops after first touch:48838 - General - FLSUN-QQ 3D ...
Greetings. I have had my QQ-S for about a week now, everything has been going very smooth until today when I went to auto-level it only does one 'touch and go' and will not continue to level after that. The auto level setting just keep blinking and it just sits there. I've waited about 15 mins and then turned it off/on again and had the same exact …