BG Products, Inc. – BG provides high quality products and …
BG Products, Inc., manufactures and distributes high-quality, professional-use additives, cleaners, specialty lubricants, and precision tools and equipment used to service vehicles in countries around the world.
BG Syncro Shift® II – BG Products, Inc.
BG Syncro Shift® II Full Synthetic Gear Lubricant is specially formulated for manual transmissions, transaxles, transfer cases, and Haldex units. It is a full synthetic API GL-4 gear lubricant that provides unmatched film strength and wear protection.
BG Premium Full Synthetic ATF – BG Products, Inc.
BG Premium Full Synthetic ATF provides excellent protection of gears and offers superior thermal stability, anti-wear protection, outstanding oxidative stability, foam resistance and corrosion control, exceptional low-temperature fluidity, and shear stability to ensure a long service life.
Помпи и помпено оборудване | Флуида ООД
ФЛУИДА ООД е основана през 1994 година с основна дейност внос и търговия с помпи и помпено оборудване. Сега нашата фирма предлага също инженеринг и монтаж на предлаганите от нас продукти: помпи, хидрофорни и противопожарни системи, филтри, системи за омекотяване и обработка на вода, колонки и цялостни системи за горива и масла. © 2025 Флуида ООД.
BG Middle East
BG Products & Services are designed to make vehicles last longer & perform better. Complete deposit control lies at the core of our business. Altogether, it means products that bring extended life and efficiency to engine, transmission, brakes, power steering, cooling and AC System.
BG Low Viscosity Full Synthetic ATF PN 315 with Pocket …
2022年10月4日 · BG Low Viscosity Full Synthetic ATF offers dependable protection for most passenger and commercial automatic transmission applications where low viscosity fluids are recommended. By 2022, nearly 75 percent of passenger cars in the U.S. will require low viscosity automatic transmission fluid.
fluid-control.bg | Регулиращи клапани, Позиционери, …
Начална страница на Fluid Control, Флуид Контрол - Разнообразие от Регулиращи клапани, Позиционери, Поплавкови нивомери, Регулатори, Преобразуватели, Предпазни клапани
Studio Fluid - abstract fluid artworks
Discover the captivating world of abstract fluid paintings on canvas or wood. Immerse yourself in the fluidity and energy of these stunning artworks.
Transmission – BG Products, Inc.
Prevents deposit formation and fluid breakdown while improving oxidation stability, transmission shudder, and shifting problems. Fortifies and prolongs transmission fluid life in CVT, DCT, and DSG transmissions.
Еврофлуид България
ЕВРОФЛУИД ХИДРАВЛИК БЪЛГАРИЯ ЕООД сключи договор за изпълнение на Проект "Подкрепа за малки предприятия с оборот над 500 000 лв. за преодоляване на икономическите последствия от пандемията covid-19"