VT PLUS HF Gas Flow Analyzer | Fluke Biomedical
VT PLUS HF has the capability to measure either high- or low-flow and pressure, replacing the need for gauges and flow meters. It measures 21 ventilator parameters and can display all of …
Use at least four inches of tightly packed, industry-approved, shock-absorbent material around the instrument.
高清红外热像仪,大尺寸可旋转屏幕(5.6英寸),图像质量更高(640x480),实测红外像素高达122万,配有精密位移成像技术,4倍实测红外像素,自动对焦、手动和 EverSharp 多点对焦 …
VT900 Gas Flow Analyzer - Fluke Biomedical
With the Fluke Biomedical VT900 Gas Flow Analyzer, you can reliably conduct in-depth testing of gas flow and other respiratory medical equipment. Its large 7" touch screen allows you to view …
福禄克(FLUKE)京东自营旗舰店 - 京东 - JD.com
【SHARP/NEC VT590+】报价_参数_图片_论坛_SHARP/NEC VT590…
中关村在线为您提供sharp/nec vt590+投影机最新报价,同时包括sharp/nec vt590+图片、sharp/nec vt590+参数、sharp/nec vt590+评测行情、sharp/nec vt590+论坛、sharp/nec vt590+ …
福禄克为什么那么贵?和国产几十倍的价格差距? - 知乎
福禄克就是电气工程师的利器,能清一色用福禄克这种价位的仪器仪表的人,年收入都至少3、50万。 福禄克又不止用20年,真的可以传家。 真正的原因是美国政府和军方的订单。 这些部 …
Fluke BT500 系列蓄电池内阻分析仪 | 福禄克
Fluke 电池管理软件简单易用,让您可以快速而轻松地将数据从电池分析仪导入 PC。 测量数据和电池档案信息通过管理软件进行存储和归档,并可用于对比结果、电导电阻读数之间切换结 …
The Fluke VT900A Gas Flow Analyzer | Medical gas analyzer
It is designed to accurately and reliably test all types of gas flow equipment especially those requiring high accuracy in ultra-low flow and ultra-low pressure measurements. Compact and …
Fluke Electrical Test Tools & Industrial Engineering Solutions
Take targeted actions to restore and optimize PV system performance by identifying specific issues such as shorted bypass diodes, microcracks, connector failures, PID, and hotspots.