Ancient spider caring for offsrping is trapped in amber | CNN
2021年9月14日 · A female lagonomegopid spider and her egg sac were discovered in Burmese amber that dates back 99 million years ago.
Female Spiders’ Maternal Instincts Captured in 99-Million-Year-Old Amber
2021年9月17日 · In one piece of fossilized amber, a female spider was astonishingly preserved, clutching an egg sac filled with spiderling embryos nearly ready to hatch. Xiangbo Guo, Paul Selden and Dong Ren...
Ancient arachnid: 100-million-year-old spider found trapped in amber
2018年2月5日 · An extraordinary new species of arachnid, resembling a spider with a tail, has been discovered suspended in amber, a pair of new studies reported Monday. The creature, which had fangs and eight...
This is the oldest fossil evidence of spider moms taking care of …
2021年9月27日 · Long before Tyrannosaurus rex walked the Earth, sap engulfed a spider guarding her egg sac. Her corpse, preserved alongside her offspring in amber for 99 million years, is the oldest physical...
Aboard a spider—a complex developmental strategy fossilized in amber ...
2011年3月23日 · One of the larval strategies to pursue spider eggs is spider-boarding. Here, I report on the first record of a fossil mantispid larva. It was found in Middle Eocene Baltic amber, and it is the first record of Mantispidae from this deposit.
Trapped in time: The top 10 amber fossils - Earth Archives
Predation among terrestrial arthropods is one other incredible act that is often trapped and preserved in amber, with this example being that of a spider and its victim. The prey insect was a hapless male parasitic wasp that had flown into an orb weaver spider’s web.
Prehistoric spider wasp discovered in amber - Science News
2024年1月14日 · Scientists have identified a new species of spider wasp in a lump of amber millions of years old. A researcher says that new insect species are found in amber almost every day, providing information about insects’ evolution and the climate in …
Ancient spiders locked in amber died looking after their offspring
2021年9月15日 · Researchers at Capital Normal University in Beijing recently acquired four specimens of spiders trapped in Burmese amber, dated to 98.8 million years ago and mined in the Hukawng valley of...
Tick Wrapped in Spider Silk Found Trapped in Amber—A First
2018年5月25日 · An unfortunate series of events 99 million years ago left this tick wrapped in spider silk and entombed in amber. Now, paleontologists have unveiled the fossil for the first time.
A Wasp, Flower, And Fly Trapped in Amber Reveal 30-Million …
2022年7月16日 · A newly-discovered plant, a recently-discovered wasp, and a developing fly larva have been found trapped in amber, in an exquisitely-preserved moment of prehistoric ecology. If the image of an insect trapped in amber seems familiar, you have George Poinar, Jr. – the entomologist who made this discovery – to thank.