Fly-whisk - Wikipedia
The fly-whisk is one of the traditional symbols of Taoist and Buddhist monastic hierarchy in China and Japan, along with the khakkhara, jewel scepter, and begging bowl. The fly-whisk in …
Swish Whisks: African Fly Deterrents as Prestige Objects
2023年11月16日 · In at least the past few centuries, fly whisks (also called fly swishes) have been used by the peoples from Africa to Polynesia. From Côte d'Ivoire to Ethiopia, African fly whisks …
Exselle Fly Whisk : Equestrian Equipment - Amazon.com
2008年1月13日 · Keep the flies away from your horse. Handmade in England A quality Fly Whisk featuring a leather handle with hand loop, wooden shaft and real braided in horsehair. County …
- 评论数: 123
Fly Whisks - HorseHairz
Our fly whisks are handcrafted from only the best quality hard woods and soft leather and horse hair. We specialize in customized whisks, and are happy to make one as a keepsake with your …
Fly-whisk - Wikiwand
The fly-whisk is one of the traditional symbols of Taoist and Buddhist monastic hierarchy in China and Japan, along with the khakkhara, jewel scepter, and begging bowl. The fly-whisk in …
A traditional African Zulu Flyswatter - AFRICAN CRAFTS MARKET
This Zulu Flyswatter is also known as a swatch / fly whisk and is used by the Sangoma - An African traditional healer or witch doctor, when performing ceremonies. This item have since …
Best Discount Price on Fly Whisks with Genuine Horse Hair
Allows you to sweep off those nagging biting flies from under their belly, off of the hind quarters, and up by their ears, all with a simple swish! *Stick with Handle measures approximately 19" …
Fly whisk; Seditse - Making African Connections
Physical Description: Fly whisk made from a light coloured ox's tail, with a handle made of woven brass and steel wire in diagonal stripes. There is a short loop of hide string at the end of the …
Amazon.com : Fly Whisk : Sports & Outdoors
2007年2月25日 · Horse Hair Fly Whisk Assist your horse with this beautifully designed fly whisk, made of genuine horse hair and a cane handle. Great for those long trail rides when flies can …
- 评论数: 85
What does Fly-whisk mean? - Definitions.net
A fly-whisk (or fly-swish) is a tool that is used to swat flies. A similar gadget is used as a hand fan in hot tropical climates, sometimes as part of regalia, and is called a chowrie, chāmara, or …