"fly" American Sign Language (ASL)
FLYING- (insect) "buzzing" You can can show how an insect (such as a fly) flies:
FLY • ASL Dictionary - handspeak.com
There are several signs for "FLY" depending on what the subject/object is in a sentence. Some are classifier verbs such as "travel by airplane" and "flying kite". And, lastly, a pathline classifier is used for some verb phrases. Meaning: To move or be hurled quickly through the air by aircraft (e.g. airplane); aviate.
fly/flying airplane - YouTube
2016年1月9日 · (ASL) American Sign Language - ASL Learn sign language at https://www.Lifeprint.comDonations appreciated (to help pay for hosting and related expenses). Ple...
How to Sign "Fly" in ASL - YouTube
Learn how to sign "Fly" in ASL!Learn more ASL → https://www.ava.me/asl/flyAva provides 99% accurate live captions for Deaf and hard-of-hearing people. We bre...
How To Sign Travel, Airport, Airplane, and Fly in American Sign ...
2021年7月1日 · How To Sign Travel, Airport, Airplane, and Fly in American Sign Language ASLReposted from Instagram - more videos on @signedwithheart :)
How to Sign “Fly” in Sign Language
Hand shape: Start with your hands in a “closed-5” handshape. Hand location: Bring your hands in front of your body at about chest level, palm down. Movement: Flutter your fingers, as wings …
American Sign Language ASL Video Dictionary - fly
How to sign: fly a plane. Similiar / Same: aviate, pilot. Categories: control, operate. Within this category: balloon, fly blind, fly contact, glide, hang glide, hedgehop, hydroplane, jet, solo, test …
Sign for FLY - Signing Savvy
Sign language video of the sign FLY
fly | ASL Dictionary
Begin with your hand close to your shoulder and then move it away from yourself, mimicking a plane flying through the air. Extend your thumb to the side and extend your index and pinky …
How to sign Flying in American Sign Language (ASL)
To sign "Flying" in American Sign Language (ASL), take your outstretched hand and tuck in your middle and ring fingers. Then move your hand diagonally across your body and face, like any winged transport or animal that flies across the sky.