FN Five-seveN® | FN® Firearms
Available for commercial, law enforcement, and military. The original FN Five-seveN®, often imitated but hardly duplicated, has two decades of trusted service with allied armies, global law enforcement and civilians. Extending its groundbreaking design …
FN Five-seveN® MRD | FN® Firearms
Meet the FN Five-seveN® MRD, your optics-ready, precision 5.7x28mm pistol. With more than two decades of trusted service, the original FN Five-seveN breaks new ground in 2022, redefining handgun accuracy standards with new optics-ready capabilities, enhanced ergonomics, and improved controls.
Five-seveN手枪 ——〖枪炮世界〗
Five-seveN® 手枪是一种半自动手枪,枪机延迟式后坐,非刚性闭锁,回转式击锤击发。 Five-seveN® 扩展了工程塑料在手枪上的应用,以往的手枪只在套筒座、弹匣及其他非主要受力部件上使用工程塑料,而套筒的运动速度很高,需要承受猛烈撞击,因此都是采用优质钢材。 Five-seveN® 手枪通过精心设计,首次在手枪套筒上成功采用钢——塑料复合结构,支架用钢板冲压成形,击针室用机械加工,用固定销固定在支架上,外面覆上高强度工程塑料,然后表面再经过 …
FN Five-seven - Wikipedia
Developed as a companion pistol to the P90, the Five-seven shares many of its design features: it is a lightweight polymer -based weapon with a relatively large magazine capacity, …
FN Five-seveN® Pistols | FN® Firearms
Tomorrow’s pistols, available today, the FN Five-seveN Series has legendary performance and innovation. Discover the FN Five-seveN handguns here.
FN Five-seveN® Mk3 MRD - FN HERSTAL
The design of the FN Five-seveN ® Mk3 MRD pistol has been fully revisited based on end user operational feedback to enhance ergonomics and usability without degrading the proven performance, reliability and efficiency of previous versions.
五七式是cs手枪中最为精准的,它使用5.7mm子弹,每个弹夹20发,后备100发。 对付不穿防弹衣的敌人威力弱于usp的.45 acp子弹。 子弹每弹夹50发一买(fn p90的弹夹) 这把枪需要利用它的高精度多多暴头,然而它的射速偏慢。 五七式一发子弹击中头部伤害为95--96。 以前版本的cs中,此枪的准心较小,容易使用,然而新版的cs被改掉了。 小贴士:这把枪用来对付那些受伤的,准备逃跑的敌人非常棒。 它的高精度可以让你在对手还没来得及换弹药前消灭他。 价格:750$ 弹 …
FN Five-seveN 5.7x28mm Caliber Pistols :: Guns.com
2024年8月11日 · The FN Five-seveN is a semi-automatic pistol developed by FN Herstal, chambered for the unique 5.7x28mm cartridge. Known for its lightweight design and high-capacity magazines, the pistol is...
FN Five-seveN for Sale - Best Price - In Stock Deals
The FN Five-seven is a full-size pistol with a 4.8-inch barrel and an overall length of 8.2 inches. It features a lightweight polymer-based frame, 3-dot sights (fixed or adjustable), a Picatinny rail for mounting accessories, a smooth trigger with a predictable break for enhanced accuracy, and ambidextrous manual safety.
FN Five-seveN MRD 5.7x28mm FN Pistol 4.8 Barrel 10+1 Round …
The FN Five-seveN MRD’s proprietary optics-mounting system consists of a series of plates that match your optic to the slide for a quick and seamless setup – simply remove the cover plate, select the compatible optic plate and screw set that match your MRD and mount using the provided hardware.