FN Model 1949 - Wikipedia
The Fabrique Nationale Model 1949 (often referred to as the FN-49, SAFN, or AFN (automatic rifle version) is an autoloading battle rifle designed by Belgian small arms designer Dieudonné Saive in 1947. It was adopted by the militaries of Argentina, Belgium, the Belgian Congo, Brazil, Colombia, Egypt, Indonesia, Luxembourg, and Venezuela.
Rifles | FN® Firearms
From the FN SCAR, to the FN 15 series, to the PS90, FN rifles are born from the DNA of legends.
AN-94 - Wikipedia
The AN-94 (Russian: 5,45-мм автомат Никонова обр. 1987 г. / АН-94 «Абака́н», GRAU designation 6P33) is a Russian assault rifle. The initials stand for Avtomat Nikonova model of 1994, after its chief designer Gennadiy Nikonov, who previously worked on the Nikonov machine gun. The name Абака́н refers to the Siberian city of Abakan.
FN Rifle For Sale - Omaha Outdoors
Shop for FN rifles for sale. The FN rifle are currently in service with over 20 armed forces throughout the world and available to ship to your FFL. Get 20% off now - Click Here
AN94自动步枪 - 百度百科
AN94自动步枪(英文:AN-94 Assault Rifle,又称为:AN-94突击步枪),是俄罗斯研制的小口径自动步枪。 AN94自动步枪全枪长943毫米(枪托展开)、口径5.45毫米、空枪重(不含弹匣)3.85千克、枪口初速900米/秒、理论射速2发点射1800发/分钟、连发600发/分钟、弹匣容量30 ...
Is this a FN 94 Brazilian or a 93 Spanish or??? - Gunboards Forums
2009年4月19日 · I recently bought this rifle and was told that it was an 1894 Brazilian made by FN but I can find no markings to indicate Brazilian heritage, in fact the markings that are on it are simular to those on my 91 Spanish carbine. It has a flat bottom bolt. The receiver top is marked "FABRIQUE NATIONALS." "HERSTAL-LIEGE."
Winchester Model 1894 - Wikipedia
The Winchester Model 1894 rifle (also known as the Winchester 94 or Model 94) is a lever-action repeating rifle that became one of the most famous and popular hunting rifles of all time. It was designed by John Browning in 1894 and originally chambered in either the .32-40 Winchester or the .38-55 Winchester , two metallic black powder cartridges.
TINCANBANDIT's Gunsmithing : Winchester Model 94 Rifles
2014年2月16日 · With over 7 million sold it is the most popular sporting rifle of all time. Designed in the days of black powder by none other than the great John Moses Browning, the model 94 was designed to be the larger framed version of the model 1892, which was too short for the then new necked rifle cartridges.
FN94 Features | Gunboards Forums
2011年6月4日 · I have two FN49's with some unusual features first one is a Venezuelan contract rifle, it has a unusual scope mount that I can't find in any book. It looks like a Venezuelan Mod …
FN-49半自动步枪这支步枪大而且重、空枪重约4.3kg、长约1117mm、发射全威力的军用步枪弹、塞弗为该枪设计了一个与活塞连杆连成一体的短行程活塞装置、且有一个气体调节器、其偏移式枪机也称为倾斜式枪机通过一个钢制的突笋在机匣中闭锁。 比利时轻武器设计师迪厄多内·塞弗(Dieudonne J. Saive,1889-1973)在约翰·勃朗宁为比利时FN公司工作时曾协助他进行了许多轻武器的设计工作,为勃朗宁手枪的设计上作了极大的贡献,当勃朗宁去世后,作为勃朗宁的亲 …