Fermilab | Graphics Standards at Fermilab | Logo and usage
2015年9月8日 · Fermilab's logo — which includes both the historic logomark and the logotype "Fermilab" — serves as the core graphic identity for the laboratory. You must use the logo in …
- [PDF]
Fermilab Logo
Fermilab’s logo— which includes both the historic logomark and the logotype “Fermilab”—serves as the core graphic identity for the lab. Whenever possible and practical, use the logo in its …
Fermilab | Graphics Standards at Fermilab | Co-Branding
2015年1月29日 · Logos are available in various file formats (EPS, JPG, PDF, PNG) and various color profiles (CMYK, RGB, PMS) in NAL blue, black, gray or white. To request a co-branded …
Click on the logo for more information. - Fermilab
Gonzales' resulting design reflects the evolution of Wilson's ideas, unifying the various magnets in the Main Ring. The logo premiered on the 1968 Design Report. Click on the logo for more …
interactions-logo - news.fnal.gov
We bring the world together to solve the mysteries of matter, energy, space and time.
Fermilab | Accelerator Directorate
2023年1月18日 · Accelerator Directorate’s vision is to develop and operate Fermilab’s accelerator facilities delivering particle beams that enable the high energy physics mission while also …
SQMS Center
The Superconducting Quantum Materials and Systems Center, led by Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, is one of five research centers funded by the U.S. Department of Energy as part of …
fnalposter/FNAL-Logo-White.pdf at master · …
Starting point for a Beamer poster, specialized for Fermilab - fnalposter/FNAL-Logo-White.pdf at master · marcpaterno/fnalposter
History and Archives | A Lasting Mark: Artist Angela Gonzales
She designed the lab's logo; chose a color scheme for the site; drew decorations for walls; designed tables, desks, jewelry, and flags; illustrated posters and publications; and designed …
The Fermilab logo should only be obtained directly from the download links on the website at http://www.fnal.gov/faw/designstandards/logo. html. Provided are various file formats suitable …