JW - Liquipedia Counter-Strike Wiki
Jesper " JW " Wecksell (born February 23, 1995) is a Swedish professional Counter-Strike 2 player and a former professional Counter-Strike: Global Offensive player and semi-professional Counter-Strike player. He is known for his wildly aggressive style of play while using the AWP.
Jesper 'JW' Wecksell's Counter-Strike Player Profile | HLTV.org
Jesper Wecksell known as JW, is a 30 year old Counter-Strike player from Sweden, currently playing for EYEBALLERS.
2019年8月18日 · 今天的英雄志,我们就要说到这位瑞典“骚猪”、Fnatic的功臣狙击手——Jw。 猪猪Jw的CS生涯起步算是上一代中很晚的一批,在2009年14岁的他才参加了人生中首个1.6线下赛事。 但要想在当时众星云集的瑞典CS圈崭露头角并不容易,所以直至三年后摸爬滚打的他才第一次有了参加国际大赛Intel Core Challenge的机会。 尽管此时JW一直都在进步,但随着1.6的渐渐淡出也使得他不得不转型CSGO寻求新的出路。 初入CSGO的Jw很快就在瑞典队伍中打出了自己 …
JW Moves to Inactive Roster - Fnatic
2021年7月19日 · Fnatic CSGO legend Jesper "JW" Wecksell has been moved to our inactive roster. JW and Fnatic will be working closely together to see what's next for him. JW first played for Fnatic all the way back in 2013, joining GODSENT in 2016, before donning the black and orange again just a few months later in 2017.
JW确认离开Fnatic:“是时候开启新的篇章了”_网易BUFF饰品交易 …
2015年10月21日 · 北京时间14号晚,JW正式宣布离开自己Fnatic,这位三届大满贯得主在Fnatic度过了近八年时间,几乎是他的整个CSGO职业生涯,现在他将寻找新的机会。 “我会继续把重心放在游戏事业上,尝试做一些直播,并且尽可能多参加一些预选赛,直到我确认下一步该怎么走。
JW: "I built teams for fnatic for such a long time, maybe it's time …
2022年2月13日 · A disappointing ending to a storied career in fnatic has Jesper "JW" Wecksell eager to prove himself to the world and showcase the worth of the Swedish scene.
CSGO职业哥资料和库存:宇宙队奠基人“骚猪”JW - 哔哩哔哩
CS:GO第一届Major锦标赛:DreamHack Winter2013,JW以超常的发挥,带领Fnatic在决赛战胜同胞NiP战队,获得CS:GO第一个Major冠军。 2013年,JW也获得该届Major锦标赛的MVP,在2013年JW也位列第八位。
JW:我还没退役,离开fnatic是件好事 - 哔哩哔哩
2021年9月14日 · 近日,被主队踢出首发阵容的的前fnatic狙击手Jesper "JW" Wecksell 表示,他还没有打算结束他的 CS:GO 生涯。 在接受理查德·刘易斯的采访时,瑞典人指出,与fnatic分道扬镳将使他开启职业生涯的新篇章。
JW released from fnatic: "It is time for me to start writing the next ...
2021年10月14日 · Jesper "JW" Wecksell has officially entered free agency, having been released from his contract with fnatic following three months on the bench. The three-time Major winner spent nearly eight years with the organization, practically his whole CS:GO career, but will now be looking for new opportunities.
Fnatic-JW - Steam Community
Jesper "JW" Wecksell (born February 23, 1995) is a Swedish professional Counter-Strike: Global Offensive player and former Counter-Strike 1.6 player. He is known for his wildly aggressive style of play while using the AWP. He is currently the hybrid AWPer for Fnatic.
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