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Online Notepad - free at Fnote.me
fNote.me is your online notepad on the web. It allows you to store notes on the GO without having to Login. You can use a rich text editor, sort notes by date or title and make notes private. Best of all - fnote is a fast, clean, simple to use and FREE online web notepad.
User Manual - FNote
Introducing Foreign Note (FNote), a mobile application with the ultimate goal to improve the experience of learning a new language. That is, to make note taking more convenient and easier than before.
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多种编辑器,大量组件封装,一键拖曳绘图,让记录更轻松,更自由。 高效写作&笔记的神器。 无需下载,打开网页就能编辑,内容实时保存,云端同步,无惧断网。 文档一键分享,多端查看,实时同步更新,团队协作更高效。
Free online notebook - Virtual Notebook
Online Notebook is the fastest way to pull up an online notebook quickly to store, view, edit and share notes online with anyone. No login or email is required! Just start typing, and you'll see a URL to pull up your notes on any device at any time.
Freedom By allowing users to mix inputs including keyboard, handwriting, voice, doodle and camera, FiiNote eliminates the limit for your expression
自动化测试框架的AW模式 - konglingbin - 博客园
2024年4月1日 · ·AW(Action Word,动作关键字):在自动化测试中,所有的操作都需要抽象封装为关键字,供上层自动化脚本调用。 ·工具:与自动化测试相关的工具组件(如测试报告生成工具)和其他系统(如需求管理系统、测试用例系统或缺陷系统关联的工具插件等)。 第三层是“自动化脚本和套件层”。 建议从“特性——测试类型”这样的角度来组织自动化脚本。 还可以根据场景、专项等将满足特定条件的自动化脚本组合起来,形成自动化测试用例集(又称自动化测试套 …
枫叶云笔记 - cloud.fynote.com
Mit Fnote haben Sie alles was sie brauchen.s beste wos je hets gits.
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